Suicide Squad (2016)

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 Now that I've watched Batman vs Superman and now Suicide Squad, it is very apparent to me that these DC films are connected to each other. They continue to the story with each new film and both lead up to Wonder Woman which I have yet to see. I had thought Suicide Squad was its own thing, but its connection with the super heroes is slightly there. Suicide Squad 2 is in the works so that's also a thing.

 This movie is about the government needing to fill the hole Superman left behind. Their answer is rounding up super villains to fight along with them. Obliviously none are willing to help them, so they are forced to cooperate. While this movie hardly has the artistic shots and visual effects that Batman vs Superman had, the interaction between the villains with the soldiers and Waller is entertaining.

 While there are like 5 villains, Deadshot and Harley Quinn took up most of the screentime. Deadshot is played by Will Smith, and all I could see is Will Smith. I don't know these DC characters so I'm not sure if Deadshot is suppose to be like that or not. It didn't take me out of the movie so I didn't mind the way Will acts. Harley Quinn on the other hand really stood out from everyone. I can see why she's as popular as she is. Though I really didn't care about her backstory or her romance with the Joker. He really didn't get to do much in the movie so honestly I didn't feel he was all that necessary, but he is quite creepy. And the actor, Jared Leto, is attractive to so this combination with the craziness is unsettling in a good way. Not the perfect Joker, but its good. Diablo, the fire man, also had a backstory. The rest didn't get backstories. There's also Katana who isn't a villain, but is there to keep the villains in check. Her character would've been more interesting to me if they toned down the sterotypes. I mean she only spoke in Japanese and has a cursed katana sword. Its a bit much and I don't think anyone (even asians) would find her relatable. She at least has some cool fighting shots.

 Overall, this isn't a bad movie. While I don't think its a must see, I don't think it be a waste of time. It does have flaws, but its a relatively fun movie.

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