Cinderella (2015)

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I enjoyed the Maleficent movie so I wanted to give this a try. Now I'm not a fan of sleeping beauty, but the movie took a creative spin on it that was quite enjoyable and refreshing. I was kind of expecting Cinderella would do something similar, but it kept the story closer to the original than I expected.

The step mother is played by the lovely Cate Blanchett. Cinderella, and one of the step sisters are actresses I recognized from Downton Abbey. And it doesn't seem like Disney will stop hiring those that worked on Downton since they're also in the upcoming Beauty and the Beast movie too. Helena Bonham Carter plays the fairy godmother, and Prince Charming is played by the actor for Robb Stark from Game of Thrones. Quite a wonderful cast!

The story of Cinderella is one of my least favorites, and regrettably have to say this movie didn't change my opinion of it. Not to say this movie was bad. I did shed some tears, and the ball is as magical as it said to be. The CGI for the animals and their transformations is probably the most expensive and exciting part of the movie in my opinion. I thought those scenes where done really well. Also Cinderella's dress and dancing part is beautifully done. They really made her stand out!

If you're a fan of Cinderella, I definitely think they did a wonderful job with it and recommend it. The story is more life like (except the tiny waists but I suppose it fits with the corset age) and nothing fantasy or action packed as Maleficent, Jungle Book, or the upcoming Beauty and the Beast movie. This movie is a bit bland for me. I do wonder what it be like if treated it like Maleficient was.

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