
10:19:00 PM cc 0 Comments

I didn't plan on watching this since I didn't have any interest in it. But I kept hearing how good it was so I figured I would see what the hype was all about. The movie is about a rabbit name Judy who wants to become a cop since she was little, but people think its silly because cops are normally big predator animals.

This movie is an excellent family movie, and I hope children today and in the future will watch this. The moral lesson of this movie is stereotyping, an issue that people aren't taking as seriously as it should be. At first, you'd think the stereotype is on rabbits like Judy, and perhaps even her gender since calling her "cute" is not really a comment. But the stereotype does go both ways with the other main character, Nick the fox. Foxes are known to be the tricksy, sly types, and Nick does fit that bill though he does have his own surprises.

Overall, I really admire and respect what this film is about. It shows stereotyping is hurtful and limiting. I really like the murder mystery story as well, well without the murder obviously since its a family film. They're just investigating some mysterious thing that's happening in Zootopia, the big city where all animals live peacefully together. So I highly recommend this movie!

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