Osomatsu-san Hesokuri Wars

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There are a few official app games for Osomatsu-san anime show. I've tried the ones that are out now and I think this one is the most fun. This game is like a tower defender game, but you send out the brothers to destroy the enemy's base. There's already a wonderful guide on how to play this so this post is just my own points.

I've noticed the oldest brothers require the least amount of AP than the youngest. Oso takes about 90-100, Kara, 100, Choro 200, etc.

The only thing I've upgraded and maxed first are the AP ones. I've been able to easily get through the main area up till level 30s. That's when things get tough for me. Upgrading the brothers doesn't seem to do much plus it costs a lot so I went to go upgrade the other stuff instead. Mainly increasing the distance the Mega NEET can hit and attack power, and quicken the load time to use one of the brothers. I don't find leveling the Mega NEET to be worth it though.

1) My strategy method is leveling my AP as much as I can before the enemy can come out, or send out Choro. Choromatsu is really fast and I use him and Jyushi, if I have the AP, to keep the enemy as far away as possible. That way it gives me time to level AP while they keep the enemy busy and away from the house. I send them out as much as I feel comfortable before I send out Ichimatsu. Or if Choro and Jyushi are getting taken out to easily, I will send out as many Ichi as I can.

2) Ichimatsu can attack from a distance so he has less chances of getting hit than the others so he does a great job of keeping the enemies back especially if they are getting to close to your house. He is also very slow so when I'm near to attacking the enemies' base I no longer send him out. Usually at that time I would have a dense line of Ichis attacking and progressing towards the enemy base.

3) Once I've upped my AP enough I would begin to send out Todo. Todo is like Ichi but a bit faster though doesn't attack as far away as Ichi. Then when AP is leveled high enough, I would spam Choro and Jyushi because they are fast. I have them push the enemies back and reach the base faster. I don't have Kara or Oso on my teams because they are too weak. Overall, having Ichi in your team is a major plus. Everyone else is really up to you and your play style.

When I got to the level 50s (America stage) is when I start leveling the brothers. At the moment I can't progress in 50s with what I got. They all get one shot pretty easily. Karamatsu seem to have the most defense so he can tank. But if you were able to get Hijirisawa Shounosuke through the gacha, this little guy makes things a lot easier in my opinion. He has the highest attack power and probably defense power too, but at the cost of nearly 2000 AP. Having just a few of him out is enough to clear the level. Even though he isn't a 4 star he is more powerful than anyone.

The gacha in this game is pretty cruel at least for me. It is pretty hard to get diamonds, but lately they have been generous and giving free diamonds for the launch of the game, the 100,000 downloads, and stuff. Even though, my luck with the gacha has been bad.

The start up loading time is annoyingly long, but don't know if its anything we can do about it. Sometimes, the game crashes on me during a level or more specially when I win a level. Luckily they can save the data and let you go back. But if it crashes during the level, you will have to start over.

So far, the game has been updating with new levels so that's nice. Overall, this game has kept me interested, and is worth checking out if you're into Osomatsu-san.

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