Game of Thrones Season 6 (Ep1-4) HBONow

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 Now that several episodes have been out, I wanted to talk about it as well as HBONow. I have signed up for HBONow's one month trial just to try it out. The difference between Now and Go is Go requires a tv subscription service to use while Now is for people like me who don't have cable tv. You have to sign up through their mobile app so your subscription payments seem to go through your mobile account. You will have to cancel it through there than from HBO. As for the streaming, the video comes up as soon as its time and didn't have issues loading it. I'm not a fan of not having a quality setting option. I rather watch show in as high quality as possible, and don't want it to be set by whatever my internet speed is. I don't experience too much buffer which I'm not sure if it was on my end or theirs. Other than GoT, I did look around and frankly didn't think they offer much stuff to stream. For a streaming service that charges $15, that's rather expensive for such a small collection.

Ok now I will talk about the show so from this point on it is spoiler central!

I have been looking forward to this season since the book hasn't come out so I won't get spoiled. However, I did end up reading about some fan theory which I was skeptical about, but also intrigued. The biggest theory was Jon Snow being a targeryen. Last season ended with Jon Snow being murdered, and his origin is left a mystery. Well the second part of his theory is that he is the prince that was promised that Melisandre has been talking about and thought Stannis was that person. We know from last season that Stannis is definitely not it.

This season finally resumes Bran Stark's story as he had none last season. He is visiting the past when Ned Stark was young and seeing his aunt that was hardly talked about. Its kind of clear that we're close to having Jon Snow's identity theory be proven here. Also, Melisandre was asked to use magic to bring Jon back. While she didn't think it will work, it has much to my surprise and probably others as well. I mean GoT has always been a show were character die and never come back. There was a scene with Tyrion freeing the dragons, and I read a theory that he also could be a targeryen since his father did say he didn't see him as his own son or something along that line. As interesting as that is, I don't really see it to be a theory to come true.

The first part of episode 4 made me teary eyed. Seeing two of the Starks actually reunite is so satisfying. This episode showed quite a bit of characters, and it does a great job at setting things up for things to come. I really look forward to what will happen next!

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