Nature Box (First order!)

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So last month I got their free sample box, and wasn't too impressed with it. But I wanted to try the snacks that looked good to me, and what others recommended so I kept the subscription that came with the free samples.

One thing I noticed is that snacks move around a lot in their pantry list. So if there's snacks you want in your next box, you should really use that lock feature to keep them there. Otherwise once your order gets put in they might be already sent when its processed. Be sure to check your account information for the next shipment date and order history carefully. I went on and realized that my date was set to January 2 instead of December 2 so I had to order my shipment manually, and didn't realize till later that there was an order processed automatically at November 30th. So yeah I ended up getting two boxes this month. Oops. I even ended up getting doubles of snacks I wasn't too keen on in the first box. Though it could be that my order was processed and just didn't show up in my order history? The first box came in 5 days after the order processed, and the second box came in a week later due to the weekend.

So here's reviews of the snacks I got in my box!

Baked sweet potato fries is 1.5" in length straw sized baked snack. Its not a bad snack though I didn't expect it to have a spice kick. Red pepper is in the ingredients, but its light and nothing big. I do like the little heat though I'd rather have more sweet potato which I'm not tasting much. Its sweet from the brown sugar coating, then taste the baked taste, and then you can taste the sweet potato and the heat kicks in. Its not bad! The bag came half full.

Dark Cocoa Nom Noms are what I wanted to try the most since quite a few people recommended them. And they are like little ping pong ball cookies. They taste like chocolate oatmeal cookies. They are pretty good, and would think chocolate lovers would like them. Only 5 came in the bag which isn't a lot sadly. It has a great chocolate taste, but it isn't too rich. They smell amazing as well. Its definitely pretty good, and would recommended them. I'm totally going to keep ordering these.

Garlic Plantains are dried thin plaintain chips. The bag came full to the brim! These taste exactly like potato chips. I never had plantains before, but I assume it would have a sweet banana taste. The garlic taste varies from each chip so taste consistency is not really there, haha. These aren't bad but I do wish they were sweet. The chips aren't hard as a rock, and are crackers in hardness. These are OK though I really do like that they filled the bag with them. Quantity is good.

Strawberry crispy chews definitely smell and taste like strawberry fruit chew snacks you get are grocery stores. They're like the size of Andes mints too. The ingredients are mainly apple juice which I can taste than strawberry, but its still good. Its no overly sweet and it has these rice puff crisps to give it a crunchy texture which is odd, but I'm cool with it. These are good though! The bag came half full and wished there were more.

Lemon tea biscuits are the size of those peppermints hard candies. They taste and smell like those butter cookies that come in metal tins at stores. The smell is really buttery that its kind of nauseating though. They are good, but like I said they taste like those butter cookies. I would've liked a more lemon taste to them. I barely taste any lemon.

Lemon Almond biscotti bites were much more flavorful than the tea biscuits. I actually got lemon flavors, and the almond pieces makes it even better. They also smell wonderful! The bag was only half full so I guessed it only had about a dozen biscottis in it. Definitely recommend these!

 Orange apple fruit chews are much smaller than the strawberry chews. The bag barely was half full too. They are good and it does have the fresh citrus kick from the orange juice. But they are small like the size of a fingernail. They are good just wish there were bigger.

Golden Apple tea biscuits are just like the lemon tea biscuits but these are so much better. They don't smell as much, and they taste just like apple pie. There is dried apple bits and cinnamon. Its definitely a good snacks for the holiday season.

So this box was a lot more delicious than the free samples for sure. Definitely worth getting a box or two from them.

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