Moe Gacha Danshi

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I've mentioned in the Boyfriend game post that there is another game that has a few of the same guys in. You can find this game in the US iTunes store under the developer CyberAgent. The game title is not in english and its listed as "萌えガチャ男子"its free and also has a age 17+ restriction.

This game is pretty simple otome game in the form of a gacha game with five guys to choose from. Gacha or gashapon is just those 25 cent toy or candy dispensing machines. This game's art is similar to the Boyfriend's game but its slightly different, but still as good. Unfortunately there is only one static image for each guy with some different expressions. So this game is voice heavy unlike the boyfriend game. If you don't know any Japanese this game might not be too appealing. Though the seiyuu (voice actors) cast is top quality! (Cast: Morikawa Toshiyuki, Hirakawa Daisuke, Nishida Masakazu, Fukuyama Jun, and Yonaga Tsubasa)

You get 5 coins and one is regenerated every 10 minutes. You drag the coin to the coin slot of the machine then you have to turn the circular knob to get your prize. There are 3 types of prizes you get: piece of a image, touching items, and part of a voiced story. You can view these in Room which is the house icon. The Room screen is of a desk with stuff in a girly room. The stereo is for the voiced story, the open album is for the image, and the box below is for the items. The ? box on the right side is a secret item which is a alarm clock which contain 3 morning voices lines. Each type has 16 prizes. The touching items does say it has 14 but there are two locked items which you need to buy the full version to get. These items are touching the guy in either the shower/bath or in bed (oh my!). Unfortunately the full version will only give you an error. There are event gachas which is only available with full version which is a bummer. Although its only just Valentine and Hanami with very limited guys. The text button in above the stereo in Room will take you to the full collection screen. It has 3 categories: default items, rare items, and seasonal limited items. The rare is where the bed, bath, and alarm goes. The seasonal items are the cg art you get from the event gacha. There is a secret cg you can see if you touch the guy in the same spot 5 times. I have yet to complete the drama tracks but I hear you get a video of the full scene with new cgs!

The touching items are rather the most fun part of the game. All the guys have a few of the same items but each would have a few of unique items. These items or toys are are hilarious to me see they're not the most appropriate. The first things I usually get is the massaging wand. You can touch these things almost anywhere. The one with just words is just plain touching with you hands. In the touching mode screen you can drag and zoom in and out. On the top left is a percentage meter that goes down whenever you touch the guy. So you have a limited taps but it does regenerate over time.

Overall, I recommend this! The guys are quite appealing and its kind of fun despite how simple this game it. I'd like to be able to see the event gacha but don't think that's possible.

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