PF Candles

10:04:00 PM cc 0 Comments


 I/m not a smoker but like the smell of tobacco and regreted not buying one tobacco candle I found in a store. I searched for others since that one was discontinued and PF Candles came up. I ended up getting a few of their candles for their scent and to be useful when we get blackouts. So far their candles are a hit or a miss.

 Since there's no PF Candle stores here I have to blindly guess what these candles will end up smelling like. Most often than not I am wrong on what I imagined them to smell like. None of them are bad smelling, but some I enjoy more than others. And none of them have caused any issues or gave me any headaches.

Some scents like Golden Coast and Amber & Moss are very light that I can barely smell it while it burns. Other scents like the Teakwood & Tobacco, and Electric Surf I can smell. None are very strong smelling even in a small room so sometimes I don't notice the smell. The candles do last awhile but I'm not sure if it actually lasts 40 hours.

They do have sales and a rewards program. The rewards isn't the most generous as you have to have to a $50+ order to get any. I do like their Teakwood and Tobacco scent even if its sweeter than I would've liked, but its still a great scent that I would definitely order again.

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