Vatican Kiseki Chousakan - Vatican Miracle Examiner (2017)

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 This anime is 2 priests from the Vatican who get sent to different churches around the world to investigate strange miracles that have been reported there. It is a mix of crime solving detective and Mythbusters as the priests use knowledge and science to determine if these miracles are actually miracles or some other reason.

 It may not sound interesting, but the pacing is a bit fast so a lot of things happen. So far they have been to two churches and multiple deaths have happened. There are quite a number of bizarre things that happen so it makes it entertaining to almost to a point it may look silly. It is a serious anime though so no room for jokes to happen. So far it is heavily religious in theme even with the deaths.

 I'm not religious at all, and you don't have to be familiar with Christianity to get into this anime. Its not going to be like listening to a church sermon. There are a few scenes that are can scare you, and I'll admit one jumpscare did get me. Its a bit hard to place the timeline as it doesn't seem too long ago that WWII happened and yet they have laptops and things that are more modern. Overall I would recommend giving it a try. Sometimes it can get a bit boring so its not exactly I can binge watch easily. It isn't bad though. The relationship between the two priests and the weird thing that they go through is enjoyable to me.

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