RADIO 4Gamer Tap

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 This is a video live streamed radio show hosted by Okamoto Nobuhiko and Mafia Kajita. They feature mobile games on the show with the game's staff. Each episode is an hour long and airs every other Tuesday at 22:00-23:00 JST which is 10pm-11pm. They upload the episodes onto Youtube a week after broadcast. You can follow their Twitter here and the playlist of all the episodes is here.

 This show started out in 2010 and it just called RADIO 4Gamer, and it change its name to RADIO 4Gamer Tap in 2015. Tap would obvious be referring to the tap function of all mobile games. Before I believe they did console games. All the Tap episodes are on the Youtube channel but the older ones when they were just 4Gamer are on Niconico. Here's a list of ep 2-115 but a lot episodes are missing. Episode 1-100 is listed here on niconico. Ep 116 and 117 are missing. Episodes 118-247 is listed here. At the moment there are 70 episodes of Tap on the Youtube playlist I've linked above. I have been enjoying having them play in the background while I do work.

 Each episode is segmented into 4 parts. The music they play at the start is a bit loud and startling so I want to say that first off. I mean the first few seconds sounds is an alarm sound and it has scared me a few times, haha. They start the show describing the show and other information about the show like how to send messages and their twitter account. They will also read a message fans have sent and talk a bit. This usually takes a few minutes before they go to the second part which they call Play 4Gamer. This is where they play the game they will feature in the show. Staff will sit and talk about their game. They will show a trailer first and then the staff will explain the concept of the game. Then they will have the hosts, usually Okamoto, to play the game live for a bit to demonstrate how the game is played. This will take up about 25 minutes of the show. The 3rd part is game news and gatcha time. 4Gamer is a Japanese video game site so they will have a 4Gamer employee to come to read off like 3 mobile game news. After that he will try to get the rarest item in a mobile game. The games is different in each episode. He will use all the available game currency in the account to get it. If he gets it or don't get it, they will move on to the last part of the show. The last part they will read more fan messages. In the newest few episodes Okamoto mentions about his live concert event and has asked listeners for their suggestions. The end is somewhat a time for the hosts to let listeners know what kind of work they're currently doing and whatever.

 You may have noticed they play with the word "shikoru" in every episode. If you look up the meaning of it word it would come up as "masturbate" but its more accurate to define it as "fapping." This is a dirty joke that is from a really early episode. They played a game where you had to shake the controller and the character in the game shook his katana sword in a really suggestive way that had everyone laugh. This event also seems to be the origin of how Okamoto got his nickname Shikorin from as well as he was the one playing the game on the show. Also from time to time they would have a seiyuu guest on the show.

 As someone who mostly has time for mobile games than regular games, mostly Japanese one, I do enjoy seeing all the various games they show. I did watch this at first for Okamoto since I am a fan, but I do think this is show is interesting since its on something I'm into. So if you're a Okamoto fan or like Japanese mobile games do check out this show!

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