Black Mirror

12:59:00 AM cc 0 Comments

 I've heard about Black Mirror but wasn't exactly sure what it was about. The show main theme is future advance technology and consequences of these new technologies. Its not a super distant future kind of technology. It does have the similar style to our society now with smartphones and the internet so its easily relatable.. Each episode is its own self contained story, and it is rather dark.

 There are 3 seasons so far. The first two seasons each have three 50 minutes episodes. The 3 season was commissioned by Netflix and is 6 episodes long. There's also a special christmas episode. Not all the episodes are future-istic as some can easily be set in today's age. Since it is a British show, most of the episodes do set and feature British people. They played a Radiohead song in one of the episode which is rather fitting. I definitely appreciated any media that plays Radiohead songs since they are my favorite.

 All the episodes have disturbing themes and scenes. Some are gruesome to look at and some are unsettling and creepy. A few episodes in season 3 fits into the horror genre but only for a part of the episodes. There is also one that isn't disturbing and actually has a happy ending. I do highly recommend this series though. Each episode is unique and interesting. It definitely will make you think about the effects of technology. There is a 4th season in the works as well so there are more to come!

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