The Huntsman: Winter's War

4:25:00 PM cc 0 Comments

 Honestly, I watched this because Charlize Theron looks amazing in it. The Winter's War is apparently the prequel to Snow White and he Huntsmen which I didn't see. You don't need to see it to be able to watch this. Overall, this is good background filler, but personally find it to be a bit boring. Charlize Theron is excellent in this so that's the major good thing I got out of it. Her makeup, hair, and costume is really neat!

 The movie does have some interesting design and reimagining of the classic Snow White world. The whole big gold dish being a mirror is definitely unique. This movie barely has Snow White in it as its only focus is on the wicked queen and her younger sister. Both sisters have powerful magic and want to be queen. I don't think the movie descriptions makes the story that interesting, but I do find the story between the sisters tragic.

 Unfortunately the movie mainly focuses on the two huntsmen children that the younger sister, Freya, has taken and trained. They grew up and fell in love with each other, but since love is outlawed things didn't go well for them. Half the movie would be about these young people going against the sister queens. There are dwarfs are kind of forced in there as comedy relief, and some other magical creatures. That half bored me. Chris Hemsworth is eye candy, but I didn't care about his character at all. Overall, I wouldn't really recommend it.

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