Boku no Hero Academia ( My Hero Academia)

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 I've been hearing good things about this anime, and I was hesitate to give it a try since it is a shounen series. I feel a bit old for those and also tired of them, but I'm glad I still give it a shot. After the first few episodes I got hooked. Binge watched through season one and what was released of season two. This series is a rater charming but exciting story of teens going to the top high school for heroes.

 The story revolves around a boy name Midoriya Izuku. The anime does have a older Izuku narrating occasionally to tell you that this is his story on how he became the greatest hero. The first couple episodes will focus on Izuku's childhood and backstory. All Might is the number one hero that many people look up to, and he is the person Izuku wants to become. However he learns that he has no quirk (kousei) which is another way to call super power in this series. Izuku still wants to become a hero despite not having a quirk. His childhood friend, Bakugou Katsuki, on the other hand has a powerful explosion quirk. A lot of people have praised Bakugou, and thus he ends up having a arrogant personality that would push him to bully Izuku. Both of them want to go to U.A. the top high school to become heroes.

 Since the series title is about school, it wouldn't really be a spoiler to say Izuku does end up getting into U.A. though I won't spoiler how he did it. Izuku is one of those typical weak looking boys who is a bit of a crybaby, gets nervous, and sometimes awkward around females. But he is a nice kid and definitely wants to help people. He's not exactly the most likeable character to me, but he isn't someone I can hate or dislike. Even Bakugou I can't get myself to hate him despite him probably having the worst personality in this series. But he has some self awareness and even serves as comic relief in a few scenes. Some of the characters in this series all have past experiences and understandable reasons for the way they are the way they are. It makes them seem more real and I like it.

 This is a shounen story so there are battles and class time. Though since it is a hero school, there's quite a bit more action than normal school activities. The students go through tests and such which are the majority of the anime so far. These tests and stuff take up a few episodes, and luckily fights don't stay too long. There is one certain battle that dragged on a bit longer than I would've liked, but its a minor nitpick.

 First season only has 13 episodes, but the second season has 25! At this moment, its already at its half way point. Since this anime is adapted for the manga of the same name, this manga seem to have started in 2014 which wasn't too long ago. The anime is catching up fast on it so I'm unsure if a season 3 would happen soon. There are two OVAs which aren't on Crunchyroll or other legal streaming sites, and can be a bit hard to find. Though I also recommend finding those if this anime has hooked you as much as it hooked me. Its definitely something I really enjoy watching and have been craving more of. The thing I dislike about shounen titles is that they do drag on for years, and it can feel like there's hardly any progression. But for now I am enjoying it, and will probably try to pick up the manga as well. I definitely recommend it!

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