Final Fantasy XV Episode Prompto

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 Prompto's DLC is finally out! If you were in North America, you may have experienced how lame PSN was with an error that kept season pass holders unable to download this dlc because it still had the price of $4.99 instead of it being free for several hours. As if it wasn't already bad enough we had to wait like a day later after regions like Australia who get theirs at midnight. NA gets it at the earliest 11am EST. Anyways, this DLC focuses on Prompto and is more about his background and his insecurities. There will be spoilers ahead, but I will say this a pretty decent dlc for $5. Also there isn't anything new storywise in this so I don't think its actually needed in the main game. I know there are people thinking stuff like this should be in the main game, but so far I don't feel that way.

 This DLC main campaign take about 2 hours long. The gameplay is a third person shooter which fits with Prompto's fighting style. Like with Gladio's DLC, after you finish the main story campaign, there will be two new modes unlocked: a timed challenge, and combat challenge.

 The story mainly focuses on Prompto's insecurities about himself. He isn't his usual bright self in this dlc. He is alone for some part of this dlc as well. Prompto will find tapes and documents on the weapon technology and development along the way. These don't really reveal anything totally new, but supplements what we already know from the main game and even Kingsglaive.

 You start off in a facility, and its somewhat similar to the one in Gralea just smaller and no jumpscares. The more open areas will have waves of enemies. I had quite a bit of difficulty with the combat in areas like these since so many enemies are shooting at you I mostly had to run to keep my distance. There is a melee attack, but you will be exposed to getting hit often. You have limited items in this game so its best to try not to get hurt too much. You meet Ardyn and Verstael in this first facility. A lot sooner than I thought it would happen. Aranea appears at the end, and you escape on the snowmobile. Aranea is in the area looking for the new weapon so she can destroy it. Prompto helps her with it. The open snow area isn't too big, but there are yellow markers that indicates sidequests. These are just fighting missions. Since I was bad with the combat, I ended up running from them after nearly dying 5 times. There is a dream sequence that happens in this outside snow area that looks more into Prompto's fears. To continue with the story, you head to the next facility which is quite close by. You infiltrate this lab and destroy two bosses: the big gorilla magitek, and the giant worm magitek. The gorilla moves around quite a bit, and it took me awhile to take down. Had to keep my distance from it often or else it quite aggressive if it gets close to you. It won't ever focus on Aranea, but will come after you all the time. It also has a second phase and gains fire attacks. It will put fire on the floor so you will get damage from that too. The worm is a bit more cinematic, but there's no QTE. I really like the way they did this battle. It was hard to control the machine gun with the analog stick though. After this the game ends.

 The combat isn't too different from the main game. You have a pistol that has unlimited ammo but it shoots somewhat slow and doesn't do much damage. You also get stun genades which can still enemies for a small amount of time. There's submachine guns, bazooka, and sniper rifles that you can steal from enemies or from weapon stock shelves. You can only carry one of these on you, and they have limited ammo. Once you ran out of ammo, Prompto disposes them. When you take another weapon, it will replace what you had before. This combat was harder for me to feel confident. Gladio wasn't hard to get use to as Prompto's. I don't think I got the hang of hi until I hit the last bosses of this dlc.

 The credits has some small scenes of Prompto in the restraints that we see him in the main game. We don't see how he got in there though. There's a small scene after the credits as well, and a short tease for Ignis' dlc. The music in this is great too. I played this dlc with Japanese voices, I haven't heard the English yet but from the subs it was a bit sarcastic.

 Young chubby Prompto has a model in this dlc, and showed up in the dream sequence. The thing he shot in the teaser trailers was just a regular enemy of no importance. They even had Pryna appear which was a bit sad. While Prompto's adoptive parents were given a tiny bit more info they will remain not that important since Prompto didn't feel close with them. When you beat the main campaign, it will give you the Tundra Attire. In the open snow area, there are 3 rundown houses that have each have variations of this tundra outfit: with googles, with mask, and with googles and mask. Unfortunately these don't transfer to the main game, only the normal Tundra outfit is in  the main game.

 Overall, this dlc didn't exceed my expectations but I liked it. If you're a fan of Prompto I'd recommend it!

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