The Trail - A Frontier Journey

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 The Trail is a free to play app game that is kind of like Oregon Trial. When you start you are given a set of goals, the big one is to reach a town name Eden Falls.

 This game your character travels on foot. During your hike, there are items you can collect. You can chop trees for wood, and hunt animals for fur. You have a backpack to carry all these items too, but its not unlimited storage. The physics of the bag and items is kind of fun. At a certain point, items do stack if you put them close together enough. You can pile items on top over the opening of the bag, but things will end up falling and it will end up on the ground. You will have to pick it back up or leave it. There's also the chance other people will take it as well. With the items, you can complete quests that ask for them, eat food to replenish stamina, or craft items. During your hike you will come across a colorfully dressed lady that will ask you if you want to watch an ad for items. Now normally I hate these in games, but this one usually gives you quest items which can be a bit hard to come by so I tend to accept these.

 Crafting is a big part of the game as this is how you get tools and clothing. Tools are obviously for chopping trees, and hunting animals. Clothes help give you more stamina, and extra spaces to put items on. You can also make stuff like wooden bird carvings to sell. You will need to sell and make money in order to take the boat to the next area. Crafting and trading are all on at the campfires that are like checkpoints in the game. You can not sell or craft outside of campfires. Also if you ran ou of stamina during your hike, you will collapse on the ground and your all your stuff will end up on the ground. People walking by can steal them so be sure to have a stock of food you've found to prevent from that happening. Items like clothes and tools does end up breaking down. You don't want them breaking down during your hike so replace them whenever it gets low.

 Once you get to Eden Falls, it will be a random named town. This is where you can buy a plot of land and open up shop. Each plot has a certain type of profession. You need to gather items to make products and upgrade the shop. You can also buy a private chest to store your stuff. Once you get a store, you can warp to it in campsites. You can't have your friends come live in the same town as you unfortunately. There will be random players living in the town, and you must work together to build the town. Towns have their own currency called Gold. You get gold by contributing to the warehouse.  Like the quests, there are item goals in the warehouse. You and the people in your town work together at it.

 This game is addicting. Unfortunately it does make my phone hot after awhile and also drains the battery like no other even when charging. Seriously it drains my battery more than Pokemon Go does. Unfortunately when I started playing this game I haven lost my saves twice. They have a save bug during that time. The beginning tutorial is long and there's no way to skip it. The game settings does have iCloud saves button, game center, and a button to Kongregate, one of the companies behind this game. You can make an account and there is a forum and customer support there. Making an account and linking it to the game does not save your game. The game saves automatically and theres no manual option. Overall, I do recommend trying this game out, but since it seems there some bugs and tech issues I highly advise getting a account a Kongregate and saving your player ID and information (character name and town you settled at, etc) just in case something happens. 

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