Tsumi no Shitone mo Nureru Yoru | 罪の褥も濡れる夜

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 I haven't listened to a BL drama CD in a long time. I came across a clip of this and it was well acted that it piqued my interest. Also I don't recall ever having heard Kamiya in a BL CD before so I thought I should hear at least one. So this is based of a BL novel, and there's a whole series called Seikanji-ke which is the family name of the uke (bottom) of this drama CD.

 Tsumi no Shitone mo Nureu Yoru has two CDs, the first one came out in 2008 and the second one in February 2015. The first CD has 3 discs which is rather long. This story is set in 1880s-1900s and is about the long relationship between a new age commoner and a locked up child of a known old age family with the rank of Earl. The commoner man is named Fushimi Yoshiyasu. I may say commoner, but his father has built a company that gave his family name a nobility rank even if it is low. Young Yoshimasu met Seikanji Fuyuki in the snow when Yoshimasu came for a sort of a obligation visit to the Earl. In that instant Yoshimasu is captivated by Fuyuki's beauty and mistaken him for a girl. Because Fuyuki is locked away and isn't educated, he doesn't know much and is ignorant of the world and social skills. He didn't know what warm and cold is so Yoshimasu showed him the difference by letting him touch his cheeks. Fuyuki tells him to wait for him for 7 years. While their meeting may seem cute, the rest of the story is a lot darker. Like probably the majority of BL stories and maybe even all love stories, problems occur cause of lack of understanding. Yoshimasu is not a chivalrous man, he takes advantage of Fuyuki's naivety and tries to tame him to love him. Because Fuyuki is not a normal person, Yoshimasu does not fully understand why Fuyuki acts the way he does.

 While the story is messed up, I couldn't stop listening to it and the NSFW factor in it is 10/10!! Kamiya Hiroshi is really great in this, but maybe this opinion is a little biased. He gives Fuyuki a light soft voice (not high or cute), and can also be a semen demon. Yes, the NSFW scenes are abundant. I will give a heads up that there is a scene with a woman involved. As for the seme Yoshiyasu, Yusa Kouji does a great job at his role, and I find his voice contrasts pleasantly with Fuyuki's softer lustful voice.

 The second CD only has 2 discs with 7 tracks in each disc. This continues the story from the first CD but also has like a flashback kind of tracks from the same timeline as the first CD. These tracks has new content but they do seem like a little refresher of the story. The story in the second CD shows more of  Fuyuki's character which is great. While still messed up, the relationship between Yoshiyasu and Fuyuki isn't as bumpy as before thankfully.

 This BL story is quiet different from the many BL stories I've read. While it is messed up, Fuyuki is definitely a unique character, and totally isn't the usual typical uke characters. Their relationship is very abnormal which makes it interesting. There are translations for the first CD that you can easily Google for, but the second CD doesn't seem to have translations. Despite that, I do highly recommend this BL drama. The story isn't very boring, the voice acting is great, and the NSFW scenes are to die for. I will list some trigger warnings and such: rape/dub-con, age difference/sexual relations with a teen, violence, prostitution/infidelity(?), and sex with a woman that I mentioned earlier.

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