Finding Dory

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 I was surprised when I heard there was a sequel to Finding Nemo. I'm quite skeptical when it comes to sequels since they usually aren't very good, but I couldn't help but be curious about this one.

 So this movie is simply Dory remembering that she has parents and she was trying to find them before she met Marlin in the first movie. She's rather desperate to find them since he misses them dearly so Marlin and Nemo agreed to help her. I won' say anymore about the story, but this movie was quite enjoyable. I didn't expect to have such a great time watching this. The first 30 minutes was a bit slow for me, but the rest of the movie really picked up. While this movie is mostly entertaining, there are some moments that are touching and emotional. Its a really sweet movie. The newer characters are also really great. I definitely recommend it for anyone to watch it!

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