Game of Thrones Season 6 (Ep5-10)

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 Wow, this season is definitely amazing. Its definitely a turning point for the story so far after all these seasons. This season has cemented Game of Thrones as my top tv shows. Before it it was LOST, but before I go on about the episodes I need to warn you that this will be spoilers so please don't continue if don't want to get spoiled.

 Episode 5 is a great episode because its solves the mystery and background of one character that people joke about, Hodor. I truly didn't expect this. His death has to be the one that has people crying than possibly any other death in this series. I know I shed a tear or two. It was definitely an emotional scene. If only Bran wasn't such a ... kid.

 I want to talk about Arya's storyline first since its a bit short this season. The great thing about her storyline is the theatre play she watches that performs quite a entertaining refresher of the story of the show so far. What's not so great is how her training in Braavos was written. Its very Arya's to not follow through with her orders to kill the amazing actress from the theatre, but not so great that she was dumb to think she can walk around the city as if the waif wasn't after her. I can understand wanting some action for her storyline, but its a little silly seeing Arya running all over the city with several stab wounds on her abdomen. I did like that she lead the waif to a room where she kept Needle, and then cut the candle off so they would fight in the dark. Something that Arya's been doing since she was blinded for months probably not too long ago. She gives the waif's face to the many faced gods, and leaves for Westeros as Arya Stark than a no one. She's also suddenly fine. Did she took time to heal or something? The next and last time we see her is using all that she learned and putting it to use by disguising as a serving girl, serving Walder Frey a pie of his own sons and then slitting his through. Absolutely satisfying! For so long she had to run, hide and be someone else. Also like to mention here that having the Hound back and alive is a very nice and welcomed surprise. He didn't have many scenes this season, but they wonderful scenes. I like him a lot now.

 Sam's storyline is very short. He just has an awkward reunion with his family, steals his father's valyrian sword and arrives at Old Town with Gilly and little Sam. Not sure what purpose Sam will have in the story. I really didn't think he'd get scenes, and thought it be like Gendry and Hot Pie where their story ends with them being safe and living normal lives. Another short storyline is Theon's. After he separates from Sansa, he arrives home to support his sister Yara to be the Queen of the Iron Islands. Their uncle suddenly appears and ruins things for them, and now they leave with their ships else they get killed. They're on their way to beat their uncle on his own plan which is joining the Mother of Dragons. Its nice to see Theon getting his old self back. They are now part of Danaerys' army.

 Its great to see Sansa no longer under Ramsey's hands. Her storyline hasn't been very pleasant, and its understandable that she has to be tough to protect herself because she knows very well that no one else can protect her. At least she can trust Brienne, who I wish had more scenes. While its great that Sansa and Jon are working together even if its bumpy, Littlefinger is still around them. Who knows what he'll do. Jon doesn't seem to get much development in this season. He get persuaded to take back Winterfell and save their brother Rickon (cool wildling lady got killed ;-; ), plus he does have he experience from his time at the Wall to be able to do it. For the most part they have to seek out more men if they were to defeat Ramsey. Who, I have to mention, I am glad didn't have many scenes this second half of the season. Its rather expected that Jon and Sansa wouldn't get enough men. The best thing out of this is Lady Mormont, a 12 year old girl who is tough as a bear with her words. Possibly, the most liked female character I've ever seen from GoT fans. Before the battle, Sansa didn't like that no one has asked her for her advise while they made battle plans. She knows Ramsey better than anyone there. Jon didn't seem to get her warning about Ramsey's traps. She is right, Jon fell for Ramsey' trap with their brother who gets shot dead by Ramsey's arrow thus making Jon abandon his battle plan and just charge in the enemy alone instead of leading the enemy into their own trap. This battle is probably one of the best battles in this series yet. It is also quite Lord of the Rings like with the Knights of the Vale coming in at the end to save the day. Its also amazingly entertaining how Jon manages to survive all those horses, arrows, and even from being buried from all the corpses. I am sad that Wun Wun the giant didn't survive this battle. If only he had a helmet and a tree it would've made things easier for him. But seeing Ramsey defeated was so so satisfying. I will have to give props to his actor of doing such an amazing job at being a villain character this vile to the very end. Jon unsurprisingly gets named the king of the north. Where they go from there, it could be anything. Its just wonderful already to see Winterfell back under the Starks again. Melisandre was rather passive which is understandable, but when Davos found evidence of what she did to Shireen he outed her to Jon. They order her to leave and threaten to kill her if she ever returned. Whether this will be the last time we ever see her is unknown, but I hope we do. It might be interesting to see how she develops as a character after her failure and now rejection.

 The scene of Daenerys burning the male khalasar leaders that mock her is amazing. Definitely a fast way to deal with the predicament she was in. I was worried she would hate Tyrion who has done all he could in her absence, but the slave masters have attacked the city. She didn't hate him after letting him explain and even listened to him on how they should handle this. Its really heartwarming to see Tyrion to finally get the respect and acknowledgement he deserves. When she puts the hand of the Queen pin on him, it really touched my heart. The CGI on her dragons and the ships is really high budget movie esque! I can't wait to see what they'll do in the next season when Dany finally goes to Westeros! I'm sad that Daario is probably not going to have anymore scenes since he's given the order to stay.

 And lastly, Kings Landing. Margaery has more scenes thankfully. She has turned a new leaf and follows the faith though it is a facade to save her and her family. I love Margaery and she is strong to have to get on the High Sparrow's good side and make a deal with him. Cersei does things her own way, violence. She has tried to get the Tyrells on her side, but it didn't last long once their plan to save Margeary from the walk of atonement backfired. She's confident to winning her trial with trial by combat using the Mountain. This also backfired when her son, the king, changes the rules to forbid trial by combat (sorry Cleganebowl people). Now she has an even cruel plan, wildfire. The opening scene to the trail and the fate of the attendants in the finale episode has the best music I've heard from this show. It is very different from any other tracks which makes it stand out even more. Margaery was the only one who figures out something isn't right that Cersei and the king isn't coming to the trial. Having her die because the faith didn't believe her is really devastating to me. I didn't expect it and its a great tragedy to lose such a great character. I'm going to miss her a lot. As for Jamie, Cersei sent him to fight and he goes to reclaim a castle. He actually gets some character here. Unlike his mission to Dorne, this is written much better. The small scene between Jamie and Brienne was nice. Even though they are technically enemies, they can't seem to harm the other. I fear what will happen the next time they meet. When Jamie returns to Kings Landing, the city is still in smoke and he witnesses Cersei take the throne. He definitely isn't pleased. It be interesting what will happen next.

 We haven't seen Bran in awhile, but he get one last short scene in the finale where he can finally see the rest of the flashback. The flashback of Ned seeing his sister who is dying from childbirth. She makes Ned promise to protect her baby. It shows the baby in young Ned's arms, and it cuts to Jon Snow in the present time. It is official, R + L = J is confirmed. It seems people have been waiting 20 years for this. That's pretty crazy!

 This season has a lot women power. More than I could remember in the previous seasons. Also a lot of characters have died as well. A lot of good ones, and ones that had it coming. Now that Ramsey and the High Sparrow are gone, it seems Cersei and the white walkers are all the major villains left. Unless someone new comes along? Cersei and Jamie have a lot of enemies now: Sand snake ladies, grandmother Tyrell, the Starks, Danaerys and her friends. Hard to see the villain getting their way this time around. Its going to be a painful wait for the next season.

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