Vega One All-in-One Nutrional Shake Chocolate flavor

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I was looking for a drink mix and maca root, and saw that this Vega One shake mix has both on Amazon. This is a vegan, non GMO, and gluten free product. Its has all the healthy goodies that we need: protein, vitamins, minerals, probiotics, fiber, omega-3, and antioxidents. Hard to not want to try this when it looks this good. They have this is several flavors, but I chose chocolate since it seems to be a safe choice in terms of taste. The tub size I got is the small 1 lb that's 6.5 inches tall and 4.25 inches wide. It comes with a scoop and the labeling sayings it has 10 servings.

Now I wasn't expecting this to taste good since normally healthy type stuff isn't the best tasting types of food especially in this powdered form. First time trying it it was not the most delicious thing to drink. But its not too bad that I couldn't learn to get use to it. Its like a protein shake which tend to taste like a dissolved chewable vitamin tablet. One scoop is for a 12 fl oz size serving. I just mix it with water. It might be better tasting to use something creamier or in a smoothies, but water is very convenient for me. I don't have a shaker bottle so my drinks do end up grainy which I don't mind as much as the taste. I find that watering it down does help me drink it easier. I personally find 12 oz to be too much so I usually put a couple of tablespoons to drink a day. I find that making a batch to drink for the next couples days makes the taste even more unappealing so its better to make it fresh!

Not sure if its coincidental, but the first few days of drinking this it was a bit detoxifying. I went to the bathroom more than usual but overall I felt normal. The bathroom trips lasted about a week or so. I have been drinking about 3 tablespoons of the mix everyday. I have gotten use to the taste, and since its getting colder I have been using warm water instead of cold. The warm water makes it taste like hot cocoa more which is more appetizing.

So far I have been drinking it for over a month and haven't felt like I have more energy or less sick. The only real difference is that my hormonal acne has lessened which is what I was hoping for. I would usually breakout a couple times a week, and have one or two big ones on my chin especially around my period and when I'm ovulating. I still get the ones on the chin, but they have significantly downsized compared to before. Though sometimes there will be one big one on my chin or break out. As of now I am fine with that. So I am glad that this stuff is doing something for me.

Since I do not have the means to eat more healthy this is a good way to at least to balance out the bad (fast food and processed foods). So if you're like me I definitely would recommend giving this a try. You definitely can't be particular about the taste if its towards your health. If you think you can get past the taste give this a try! If you regularly make smoothies then getting the regular "original" flavor would be good to add to your smoothies. I wouldn't recommend adding to hot drinks like coffee since it might cook off the healthy benefits. I'm only half way through the tub. Its takes me longer to get through it since I'm using a smaller amount than the scoop, but I do plan on getting the bigger tub after I finish this.

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