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I was a bit hesitant on watching this movie. When I first saw he trailer it didn't interest me much since it seemed like a comedy Bond movie. When it came out in theaters there was quite a lot of people who really enjoyed it and recommend it. Then I hear people who have some criticism over it which I don't quite remember other than one about sex.

I decided to have it playing as background noise, but ended up getting into it mostly towards the second half of the movie while I worked. Colin Firth and his character is great in this and really the main reason anyone should even watch this. There are some tasteful violent fighting scenes, and then there are some really tasteless violent scenes. And the score is bad. The music felt awkward in some scenes. Overall I do think the story wasn't too bad, but the way it ended was really stupid. So if you like to see a British gentlemen being kickass then watch it for that. There seems to be a sequel coming too. Oh boy.

I will talk about the details of the movie in the Read More so do not continue if you don't want any spoilers.

Kingsman is a spy agency hidden in a tailor shop. Its not a busy big organization like in Bond, but a really small number of men all who have codenames from King Arthur's legend and Merlin is the one that seem to do everything else but the ground work.

One of the men, Lancelot, died during a mission and a replacement is needed. Each member picks a candidate and they all go through tests till the one who passes them all is chosen. Meanwhile, Firth's character chooses the son of a comrade that has fallen and has high hopes for. Firth also goes to investigate who was behind the death of Lancelot.

The son he chose has a funny name, Eggsy. He's in the typical broken home of having a violent step father, struggling mother, and a baby sister. For some reason he has people who hates him which results in him getting him trouble with the police. He remembers that person from his biological father's work has given him a medal and a code phrase that will help him whenever he called. He used that to get him out of the police, and in comes Firth. Eggsy kind of left his family to go through the training tests. There he meets the other candidates and for some reason a few of the guys started to pick on him. One of the Girls, Roxy, was friendly and introduced herself to him and even defended him. Luckily there is no romantic thing going on between them so their relationship was really wonderful in this movie which I wished happened in most movies. Those two eventually became the last two candidate left in the tests.

Samuel L Jackson's character is the main villain. He's rich, MIT smart, and has a obsession with trying to save the global climate change and warming crisis. He's adamant on pushing his plans to solve this issue thus we seem him and his assistant who has knives for legs go around the world talking to world leaders and making them agree with his plans or else they get kidnapped. He also has a lisp and a weak stomach for violence.

Firth and Jackson's character find out about each other through tracking devices they put on each other. We finally get the idea of what Jackson's character plans when Firth hears him talk about a church. Expecting Jackson to be there Firth sits in during church where people are anti-gay, anti-abortion, racists, etc. Noticing that Jackson isn't there Firth gets up to leave, but Jackson has been watching from afar and decides to put his plan to a test. Now some a rather tasteless violent scene of people getting homicidal and killing each other including Firth. Firth ends up to be the last one standing and realized what had happened. Jackson had issues out a sim card that was entirely free for everyone and it had the ability to make people go homicidal. I remember people saying there's a plot twist but I didn't really see a plot twist. I figure that this must be the plot twist? I don't know. But when Firth leaves the church, Jackson was there waiting and kills Firth mercilessly. Irony is that Jackson's character didn't even to kill and was disgusted but moved on.

Roxy ends up passing all the tests and is the new Lancelot, but with Firth gone Eggsy can take up his spot. Eggsy went to Arthur to mourn about Firth till he saw a sign that proves hes a traitor. Actually this might be the plot twist people are referring too? He was able to outsmart Arthur and get him to poison himself. He learns Jackson's plan from Arthur that he plans to having everyone kill themselves before Earth could. However the world leaders that agreed would be saved, and its like the Noah's Ark story where only few get to keep survive. If I recall Jackson did say he finds politicians to be useless and yet they get the invitation to survive?

Arthur also got an invitation and only he phone popped a countdown timer of when Jackson will activate the sim card around the world. Eggsy, Roxy, and Merlin then plan to stop Jackson. For some reason the other Kingsman members aren't even mentioned. Roxy is go destroy the satellite that is used to transmit the signal for the sim card to go on. Merlin flies Eggsy into the secret bunker site where Jackson and the ones invited are hiding. Using Arthur's invitation, Eggsy, is able to get a clear way in. His job is the get a connection to the computer network so Merlin can hack into it. Roxy is able to destroy the satellite, but Jackson used another satellite. Eggsy must get to Jackson himself to stop his plan. He wasn't able to stop him in time and the world goes into chaos. Another tasteless violence. Eggsy continues to fight since the computer activates the sim cards as long as Jackson's hand is on the switch. Killing him will stop that. At one point hope seem to be lost when they get surrounded, but Eggsy remembers that everyone thats in on Jackson's plan has a self destruct implant. He has Merlin hack and activate it killing practically all the security men and the people teaming up with Jackson. This scene is rather tasteless. Sure its good that it didn't go full graphical gore and just used colorful fireworks to kind of censor head explosions but it was a bit over the top. I mean I get that politicians and celebrities aren't wildly liked, and some would find this scene to be fun but it is too much. Anyways, since Jackson is not a fighter the last fight is with the knives lady. Lots of slow motion, but nothing too incredibly exciting about it.

The movie ends with Eggsy seeing the princess who was one of the many people Jackson had kidnapped who refuses his plans. She is locked up in a cell and Eggsy just has sex with her. Its is a stupid ending. There's a little epilogue of Eggsy beating up his step father too.

This movie was unexpectedly violent which is understandable due to it being a key thing in the story. There's probably no tasteful way to show such mass violence over mass violence of this kind. This movie is probably borderline offense in some parts. Other than that, it was a bit enjoyable.

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