Jurassic World

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This movie I have been sort of looking forward too. Didn't get a chance to see it in theaters so I waited for it BD to be out to watch it.

I was a big fan of Jurassic Park so I do expect this movie to be quite similar. The first minute is already quite foreboding and horror-esque with the sounds and music. Then cuts to the family with a sweet mother sending her young boys off to the airport with Christmas music playing softly. CHRISTMAS. Ouch. When the boys reach the park that classic iconic Jurassic Park music plays. It is definitely the Disney World kind of attraction park there. There's a lot of children going to this island. Oh man. It seems the boys' aunt works there but it keeps her busy thus unable to spend time with the boys. Then cuts to the aunt who is giving a tour for the sponsors and telling them they are advancing genetics and modifying new species to make dinosaurs seem more appealing. They developed a new kind of T-Rex that's bigger and scarier. Of course this thing is smarter too so it does eventually escape its containment and it gets worse.

Its a pretty thrilling ride. Lots of running around. While the big rex is the main threat, it doesn't focus on her too much. I'm not a big fan of the kids in either movies, but gotta have the adults save and protect someone in these stories. I do like Claire, the aunt, since she's actually a useful female character.

The dinosaurs are great as well. There isn't too many scenes of the herbivores sadly. The fight scenes between them is pretty good though. To me the megaladon is much scarier than the indominus rex.

Definitely recommend it for those who like Jurassic Park. Its hard to compare both, but personally still find the original one better. That doesn't mean that this isn't good though.

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The boys were in a little hamster ball ride and decided to ignore the emergency warning to get off the ride and they just drove the ball outside the fenced area. They unfortunately meet the big rex, but managed to escape. One of the main guys name Owen trains raptors and knows what these animals are like. One jerk sees this and wants to use raptors as a weapon. Owen sees it as a very bad idea. I find it pretty silly. He also criticizes the aunt, Claire, that she isn't seeing them as living animals but just numbers on a spreadsheet. Her plans on stopping the big rex wasn't working, and she suddenly has to leave to find her nephews with Owen's help.

The big rex is heading towards the main park fast. Even when Claire and the boys do find each other things get worse. The flying dinosaurs were able to escape since the big rex breached into their aviary. They started to attack the visitors. The big jerk decides to take control after the owner dies and things got worse when the visitors start getting attacked. He wants to release the raptors and use them to fight the big rex. Owen was hesitant on it, but with no other choice he preps the raptors by having them track the big rex. When they finally found her, the men noticed they were communicating. The raptors then turn on the men. Owen runs back and helps Claire and the boys to safety from the raptors. They reach the lab and see the jerk and his people taking the lab samples away. A raptor pops up and kills that jerk. Then the big rex shows up and the raptors turns on the big rex thus starts a pretty neat dinosaur fight scene.

Even though its expected that things will go down, its still exciting. That jerk who really wanted to use the raptors is a bit silly though other than I don't really have any major complaints. It is weird that getting more ferries to get people out of the island is so hard, and the lack of any kind of military aid. The

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