Owari no Seraph + Nagoya Kessen-hen

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Owari no Seraph is a post apocalyptic vampire vs human series. There are current 2 seasons of this anime. The first season begins on orphans who survived a strange catastrophe of humans dropping dead who are over the age of 10 or some young age like that. So yes only children survived, and well vampires too. The show centers on two boys Mika and Yu who are best friends from the same orphanage. They were captured by vampires and lives for awhile as livestock. I highly recommend watching the first episode since I think its a pretty good episode so far in the show. The tone changes after a time skip. So the next part of this post is going to spoilers, but I will try to keep it to a minimum.

The first season mostly establishes Yu into his new environment and the people there. Its the typical high school setting and Yu is quite impatient since he wants to go fight vampires. To me this part was quite boring, but it is necessary since it will be how he meets his future team. He is quite a brat during this time as well. Thankfully he and his friends does start training to fight vampires, and obtain cursed demon weapons that can kill vampires. Yu was rather self centered but this schooling is for him to be more of a team player since killing vampires is not a one man type of work. He starts maturing, and finally be able to go on missions. We find out Mika is alive but is turned into a vampire. He wills himself to resist blood, but being a vampire he can't live without it. He compromises by just drinking vampire blood only. He does what he's ordered to do but he is mostly concerned about finding Yu. It is quite torturous waiting for the day they will finally meet since both are doing ground missions, but the first season ends with quite a action packed few episodes where the two finally see each other again.

The second season picks up from that, and seems the story is coming to a climax. Both sides are planning to go all out war on each other. First few episodes are slow as they reflected on what had happened in season 1 and does some preparations and such. The season is still airing so I can't say more, but it seems thing might get exciting soon. Hoping it is soon and not drag it out like Mika and Yu's meeting.

Mika and Yu's relationship and separation is probably the only thing that interests me and keeps me watching this. The vampire vs human set up is not the most unique thing so it doesn't interest me much. The show already presented Mika and Yu to have "owari no seraph" and whatever that means we have yet to see. This is probably the biggest mystery so far. The fighting is mildly interesting and the other characters feel like cookie cutout extras to me.

Overall this show is ok. I think its a good show for teens though it may not be as interesting for older viewers.

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