Graze Snacks Box 3

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My honest review of Graze snack box subscription. I will review each snack since they give me new ones every time. As a disclaimer I was not contacted by Graze for this at all, and this is my own paid subscription to the service to try out and ended up liking it. Sadly this box didn't include the last soup from their list that I didn't try so I won't be able to review that.

First is my favorite type of snack from Graze, the dried fruits mix. This time I got the Garden of England which is a mix of mini strawberries, apple pieces, and blackcurrants. Thankfully no raisins or cranberries in this one! The strawberries are definitely small like a raisin. While there's no added "sugar" each piece does have concentrated juice listed in the ingredients list. The apples have lemon juice, strawberries has grape juice, and the blackcurrants have apple juice. Its labeled to be 1/2 cup of fruit which is hard to believe granted how small the snack portions they give. Overall I do enjoy this mix. The pieces are flavorful.

White Chocolate with Wild Blueberry Toasts is one of their dipping snacks. I'm not a fan of white chocolate so I wasn't expecting to like it, but woah did this surprise me! The toasts are dried and hard like croutons and have bits of blueberries and blueberry infused cranberries in them. They have quite the blueberry aroma. They didn't taste much by themselves, but when I dip them in white chocolate the blueberry taste really pulled through somehow but not always. The dip is quite sweet but not overly so. It actually made me each the whole thing in one sitting. I usually don't eat it all at once unless its soup or popcorn. Definitely recommend this one if you have a sweet tooth.

The Twist of Black Pepper Popcorn is their other microwave popcorn with obviously black pepper. You microwave it for 2 minutes and I think I should have stopped it a little early since it did have a bit of a burning taste. The black pepper isn't much and the taste is subtle. It just taste like regular salted popcorn mostly. The popcorn is a tad smaller than the store bought popcorn so its not in small portions like the other snacks. I like black pepper so I was hopping this would have that kick, but it didn't have much of a kick so I was disappointed. Overall, this is hardly that much different from the regular popcorn.

Sesame Garlic Crunch is a mix of garlic sesame sticks, oat bran sesame sticks, and multigrain soy crackers. I couldn't tell if there was a differences in the sticks since they look exactly the same but I think the mix wasn't as mixed since I've only tasted one garlic stick and the rest were oat bran which was much plainer tasting than the garlic. The soy crackers I love though. If I could get this with just soy and garlic it be good. I didn't like the oat bran and it was the majority of the mix.

The Zesty Chili Lime Cashews is just flavored cashews. Its kind of boring with just one kind of nut so I think I would enjoy this better if it had other nuts. Its pretty zesty though I wish it was spicier. Nothing really to say about this.

Cinnamon Pretzel is a mix of poppyseed pretzels and cinnamon honey almonds. The almonds has a dry coat of honey and cinnamon and its quite flavorful and tasty. I had the poppyseed pretzels in another snack mix so they are the same. Though this batch didn't have much flavorful poppyseed as before so it came out plainer than usual which is fine. I like this mix though.

The Salted Fudge & Peanut Cookie is a mix of peeled and skin peanuts, vanilla fudge, and chocolate cookies. There's a lot of peanuts in this mix. Its good when you eat a mix of them, though the peanuts themselves are rather tasteless. The mini cubed fudge is tasty though and wish there was more. The chocolate cookies are good too and also wish there was more of it than the peanuts. The peanuts didn't make this mix bad though. It is a pretty good mix and would recommend it.

Last is the Vitamin E Defense which is a mix of hazelnut. peanut, cranberry, and raisins. Not the most exciting mix since its not seasoned, but I ate this while I was working and hungry so it didn't bothered me then. Peanuts and raisins are already common in their mixes so this is not the most appetizing mix. Though if you ever need to eat something, but not in the mood for different flavors this is pretty good to munch on. Definitely something you won't feel guilty eating.

This box wasn't the most exciting I've had so I didn't finish it as fast as the previous boxes. I still enjoyed the snacks and didn't terrible dislike any of them. If you're interested in Graze you can get their free sample box or use Promo Code: CVH79FPVB to get your 1st and 5th box FREE! 

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