Phillips Sonicare 2 Series

11:01:00 PM cc 1 Comments

I've heard good things about this toothbrush, but I've always found it too expensive. Also thought manual brushing should be good enough., but recently I find that its not. I've been good on brushing and flossing though I still get problems. My dentist has been recommending the Sonicare for all their patients now. Luckily, Amazon has Sonicare at a reasonable price. Phillips has listed this brush for $70 but Amazon has it for $50! Hard to say no to that. I was expecting $100!

This Sonicare 2 is their most basic toothbrush. It has one button and function. It comes with one brush head, protective cap, and charger. Putting on the brush head is super easy, just stick it in the protruding metal stick on the base. It doesn't go all the way down which I'm hoping is normal. This brush is automatically set to a beginner setting where the first 14 uses will gradually increase in speed to help you adjust. If you use this twice a day its a week long period.

I've used the OralB electricbrush before, and after first using the Sonicare it really surprised me how powerful the Sonicare is. The noise and power was a little startling at first, but I got use to it quickly. Its about the same noise level as the OralB but just at a higher pitch for the high vibration speed. I saw in the Sonicare promotional video that the actors just slide the brush across the teeth. The manual says to let the brush do most of the work. To me this is good since it would mean the bristle would maintain its shape better.
( manual Colgate toothbrush - Sonicare - OralB electric toothbrush )

The brush head is the most simple and basic type. There are several different brush heads, but they're quite expensive. The best thing about the Sonicare brush heads is its smaller and slim design. They make reaching the back teeth so easy and comfortable than any tooth brush I've ever used. I've always had issues with reaching in the back, but this really makes cleaning those teeth much easier. I really wish I've bought this sooner! The first couple weeks my teeth did feel a lot smoother and cleaner than before. Well until I eat something, haha.

Overall, I think this an important product to have to improve your dental health so don't see this as a luxury item. It beats having to pay for dental work. No batteries needed and a full charge can last for a week. Hopefully the next time I go see my dentist she would notice a difference.

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1 comment:

  1. Hey,
    I've been using the sonicare for a while (ever since I moved to UK to live with my boyfriend) and I cannot imagine brushing my teeth with anything else.

    Every time I go to the dentist, she is amazed how well brushed and clean my teeth are - I am sure your doctor will be equally impressed.

    Definitely recommend! And the more expensive version come in gorgeous colours (mine is black and lime).

