Too Cool for School Egg Cream Mask

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This Egg Cream Mask has been talked about quite a bit by people, and its available on Sephora, Amazon, and other stores. I got mine at Sephora to get free shipping. I only bought one sheet which priced at $6. This is pretty pricey for one mask sheet but I wanted to try it and well I needed free shipping.

This mask is for hydration, brightening, and firming the skin. Its advertised to nourish the skin and remove sebum and dead skin cells for clean smooth skin. The sheet is ultra microfiber nylon thats suppose to be silky and comfortable.

The mask has a plastic mesh that helps keep the mask for rigid to apply on your face easier. You must remove the mesh once you get the mask positioned on your face. The mask itself is quite slimey so its a little hard to get the mask on since gravity can make it slip on your face. The eye holes in this mask is so small though that it often got on my eyes while trying to put it on. It did fit my face relatively fine. There is fragrance so it has this powdery perfume smell to it. Not a fan of the scent, but it isn't too strong to be sickening.

The ingredients in this mask is not that great. The majority of it are scientific names that have moderate to high safety risk according to EWG's database. You can read the full ingredients list on Sephora. The egg yolk extract and albumen extract are at the bottom of the list meaning its takes up a small percentage of the serum in the mask. I only had this mask for about 30 minutes instead of the 10-20 minutes the directions said to use. It also said to massage the remaining serum into the skin, but I decided to rinse it off mostly to get rid of the fragrance. So did it work? Well my skin did look a bit smoother, but I don't think the price and the ingredients to be worth it. Better just have a egg mask with an actual egg! Much cheaper than way.

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