Michael Todd Ultra Bright with Hexylresorcinal Anti-Aging Spot and Tone Corrector

4:18:00 PM cc 2 Comments

Michael Todd's Ultra Bright. I wanted to try this and had ordered it last year but it was sold out. Its been sold out till a few months ago they restocked it with a new formula. This is a skin brightening serum to help even out hyper-pigmentation. I have many age spots and acne scars on my face that has been a real concern for me. A lot of products have done nothing to my improve my age spots so I tend not want to buy products that claim to improve spots. But since I have been enjoying most of Michael Todd's products I decided to give this one a try.

This product probably has the shortest ingredients list I've ever seen. Its just Aloe juice, Biowhite, Hexylresorcinol, Kojic acid, Alpha-Arbutin, Licorice root, Mushroom enzyme and Bearberry extract. Now Biowhite is a trademark skin lightening ingredient by a chemical company. From what I read its made from plant extracts from scutellaria, white mulberry, saxifrage, and grapes. Ultra Bright is labeled that its 70% organic as well. So far this product seems to be pretty safe but not knowing what's exactly in Ultra Bright is disconcerting. The bottle does say it contains no mercury, steroids, or other harmful bleaching substances.

Directions say to apply twice a day and recommends waiting 10 minutes before applying another product on. Not sure why the long wait or a wait at all though 10 minutes can go by quick. It also has a warning to limit your sun exposure so I tend to mostly apply this serum at night. The product comes in a tall thin purple pump bottle. The product is a bright orange cream. This stuff can dry up in the pump so it may need to be wiped clean every now and then.

I've had this serum for a couple of months now and have mostly used it regularly. I have a cluster of distinct age spots that I use to check if it works. So far I think they lightened up very very slightly. I have been taking monthly photos just to compare. But they are phone photos so its blurry since it couldn't focus clear enough when its close to the skin. Then there's lighting that I had trouble getting it consistent, but here's the photos to show progress.
As you can see the age spots around my mole seem to have gotten slightly lighter. Some more than others. So I think this serum actually does work. So I definitely recommend giving this a try!

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  1. Loved your review on the product. I've been interested in this product for a long time too and I think I'm gonna give it a go since it's had so many positive review. Just wondering one thing, michael todd usually puts a certified vegan logo on the back of their vegan products, does this one have it by any chance? X

    1. Unfortunately this product does not have that vegan logo.
