At Home A Short History of Private Life and A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson

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Some time ago I watched an interview with Bill Bryson promoting his book and it really interested me. It took me awhile but I've finally finished the two history books he wrote. Now I didn't read them traditionally but through audiobooks narrated by the author himself. I really enjoyed his voice and the way he reads so it helped a lot. I don't ever get audio books since I am too picky with the way its read.

Usually I'm not that into history at school since its mostly remembering names and dates, but when I took art history classes it was much more interesting since it was learning history without the dates and stuff nonsense. And these books are great example of learning history and how we got to this point in time. At Home is mainly about western culture and society life through each room of the house. Take that bathroom, you will learn how people bathed and relieved themselves through history. In A Short History its all about the history science from what things are made off, how old is the Earth, how things work, and how life came to be.

Both books are fascinating. I enjoyed the writing style since it keeps it intriguing and also some humor. May not be something you want to listen in one whole sitting since its a lot of information to take in. Highly recommend them if you're into learning some history. It won't be enjoyable if you're not. Since there's a movie coming out, I'm also going to listen to Bryson's A Walk in the Woods as well. Will do a post about it when I'm done and perhaps see the movie too.

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