Musemee Notier V2 Stylus

7:41:00 PM cc 0 Comments

Since the iPhone6's screen is quite big I figure it be nice to get a stylus to do some sketches on. Been searching and researching for a good stylus for a long time. I finally saw this Musemee one and the reviews seem to be pretty good. The price isn't too bad, and the design is nice since you can cover the disk.

I was really hesitant on getting a disk stylus since they don't look that nice, but since the other stylus without the disk is ridiculously expensive I've decided to get it anyways. The main reason I wanted to try to draw on my phone is that I saw some nice drawings people have done on the Galaxy phone with its nice stylus. This stylus with the iPhone may not be able to compete with that, but its good enough so far.

The stylus has a nice weight to it, and the disk is soft that it doesn't scratch or do any damage to the screen. The stylus is quite flexible, and the iPhone 6 responds pretty well enough with it.There isn't as many drawing apps for the phone as there are for iPad as far I know. I did try a few, and wasn't able to draw as well as I would with just a paper and pencil. Its really hard to have good control on doing small details. So this is best to do small drawings and paintings when using it on the phone. I'm sure with an iPad it would be better since it has a bigger screen.

So for the phone, its probably best for just writing, and simple drawings. Otherwise this stylus is pretty good, and doesn't feel cheap.

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