Way of Life App

10:37:00 AM cc 0 Comments

I've been trying out some productivity habit tracker apps so this one I've had the longest. Way of Life is a simple app of keeping track of you habits. You make each activity a "journal" and there are 7 bars one for each day of the week. You simply just check whether you did it or not.

It will give you charts of your activities, and you can set up reminder alerts. It does have limit features so you have to buy other features. You can only list 3 activities so you need more you need to buy.

Pretty simple app which I like, but just like the Balanced app I can't put many activities. I don't really want to spend money on these apps just for that. While I have tried my best to keep up with the app, over time I have stopped using it. The app isn't the most motivating, but it could just be me being lazy. Oh well. I will keep looking for more of these kind of apps.

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