Yume Oukoku to Nemure 100 Nin Oujisama (Yume 100) App

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This is one of those Japanese puzzle games where you match up colors to attack enemies. This is a story based game as well. You are a girl who gets sucked into a world where you are apparently a princess in. There are monsters and the princes of the world are trapped sleeping in rings which you have the power to release.

The games main website has a list of characters and their seiyuus (voice actors). They're all male so this is a game targeted at girls. If you are a seiyuu fan you might be interested in this. The game has otome features as well, but it has an interesting element where the prince can transform. When you level up a prince, you can unlock his story. Through the stories, you get choices. Each choice will either give you sun or moon points. There is a balance scale when you go look into the prince's card. When you get the prince to max level you can transform him to which side he ended up being. This will transform him to a stronger card and his appearance will change. So when you look at the character list, you will notice that seiyuus are listed on two characters.

There are 4 types of currency in this game and I will name them based on their image description: coins, fragments, gems, and F coins. Coins you get from battling. When you combine cat cards and other unwanted cards to a prince its cost coins. The fragments you get when you want to delete unwanted rarer cards. I've only see them used in the gacha section. Gems are the most important since you need this to increase you inventory space, and to get rarer princes from gacha. These can be hard to come by, but you can get a couple through the login in bonuses. F coins are friend coins. You get these from players who used you with battle assistance, from battling, or from comments. These are for getting low rarity cards.

The cat cards you get are what you will want to use to combine with your princes to level them up. You can level them up during battle as well, but this is just a another way that's quicker. The fairy cards are for transforming. Each transformation requires certain fairy cards so keep them for that. The game gives you a small inventory space to start off with so have at least one gem in case you need more space.

Gameplay is pretty simple. Chose story (big circular button on bottom right corner), and then chose a available world from the map. Choose a stage, and then choose a assistance player. After confirming you will battle 4-5 stages of enemies and a boss. Chain as many of the same colors as you can within the time limit. The longer, and more chains you make the bigger the attack. There will be bombs and hearts to help you out. You will go through the story through here as well, and the story isn't interesting to me at all so I tend to tap and try to get through it as fast as possible. In the first world, there is an Event tree. This is where there will be challenges and event battles will be. THe game features princes to get through gacha, and these princes will have an event. There is story included with these events as well. This is another way to get gems and other items.

This game is not too bad, but over time it does get a tad boring for me. Its quite grindy which isn't fun for me. If you like these types of puzzles then I'd recommend it.

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