[Sample Review] dr. brandt Microdermabrasion Skin Exfoliant

4:08:00 PM cc 1 Comments

Dr. Brandt microdermabrasion. I never tried this brand before so I wasn't sure if its good or not. Its advertised to renew radiance, polishes, and smooths skin. Instructions says to dampen skin with warm water, and gently massage cream for 1-2 minutes.

The product is a white cream with some grittiness. There's no plastic beads instead it has aluminum oxide crystals. Its really fine like sand so its not super rough feeling. It has a blend of jojoba, chamomile, and aloe vera into the cream to soothe the skin. The cream also smells a lot like toothpaste. It has menthol in the ingredients so that would explain the minty smell. It took a quarter size amount of product to over my face. It doesn't hurt and its quite like a regular cream cleanser. But after I rinsed I definitely saw that my face is a lot more brighter and clearer. It helped minimize my pores and blackheads, and it took some dullness away.

So far no irritation or breakouts. I am quite impressed with it, but the full size price is $78 for 2oz YIKES. Luckily Amazon has it for $69 but it is still on the pricey side. Though since the results were impressive I do intend on saving up to get it. So would recommend giving the sample a try first to see if it works for you. Otherwise I do recommend this exfoliator!

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