Figma Free! Nanase Haruka & Tachibana Makoto

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I've been wanting to own a Figma for awhile mostly because its quite posable, but haven't like a series or character enough to buy the ones they make. Until these two! However, these are made through Hobbystock rather than Good Smile so they don't look as good as most of the other Figmas. It might be that they are half naked in their swimsuits. The joints and chest plate don't look as appealing as ones with clothes. Also the water waves for their swimming poses are kind of lame in my opinion. I bought them anyways since I do love the series and these characters.

Haruka came out in 2014, and I love his smiling face plate. No other merchandise of him even comes close to how great this expression is. I wish they made a face plate with his small triangle mouth though. His other plates or his blank expression, a yelling one, and a swimming head. He looks better in person than in the photos. He's a great figma so far, and have no issues with him.

Makoto, on the other hand, was not as fortunate. He came out this year (2015) and for some reason his joints are stiff. Mine was hard to fully turn and such. I've seen on Twitter from Japanese fans that have accidentally got Makoto's right elbow joint broken. Its quite concerning, though luckily you can protect and lubricate his joints with a silicone spray. There are silicone sprays that safe to use on plastics. They dry clear, and is water resistant. It really helped with making Makoto's joints not so stiff. Compare to Haruka, he is appropriately bigger though his shoulders aren't as wide as they are in the show. One thing that does bother me is that his legs are the same length as Haruka's so that makes his torso longer. Makoto's swimsuit is also more most since the waist doesn't go as low on the hips as Haruka's. One weird feature to Makoto's is that you can extend his hip joint so he can sit. Both figmas' hips are rubbery for flexibility. Makoto's hip joint does make a click noise to indicate if you it extended or put it back in. He also has a smiling face (more like laughing) and a yelling face plate. Makoto's merchandise often don't get his face looking right, so I am glad that his figma was able to make his face more like him. Because of his droppy eyes, and gentle smile that he's known for his merchandise can sometimes make him look high in my opinion.

Even though people may find the chest plate and joints to be ugly, the good thing about their half nakedness is that fans can make clothes for them. Figmas must have their own scale or something since they don't fit 1/12 or 1/6 scale miniatures that well. But I've seen some Japanese fans make some amazing clothes and accessories for them. Its quite inspiring really, and I think it really makes these figmas fun. So I'm glad these are my first figmas!

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  1. (Idk if my previous message was sent....) But I was wondering how you'd use the silicone lubricant on the joints? I have the Makoto figma and am concerned about those joints now too :(

    1. Silicone sprays come with a straw like air compressor cans that are used to clean computers. The WD-40 I have comes out foamy and it turns into this watery oil. It clings to the surface well so it didn't go spraying everywhere. I let gravity get the lubricant into the holes, and I gently move the joint to get it fully coated. Keep applying till you're able to move the joint easily and fully. Tissue off any excess. Then give it at least a day for it to dry, and for the smell to go away. The lubricant gives off a shine so its easy to see it and clean, but when it dries its completely invisible which is cool.

    2. Would spraying it somewhere and then using cotton buds to apply it to the joins do the trick? I'm wary about coating it with too much of it.... (And I found out we have the wd-40 silicon lubricant :D!)

    3. I haven't tried it myself, but I'm sure you can use cotton buds. It may not drip off the cotton bud like water so you might have to use like a spoon to get the lubricant in the holes if you don't plan on taking the joints out.
