Shiseido Urban Environment UV Protection Cream Broad Spectru SPF 40 Sunscreen

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Shiseido UV Protection Sunscreen. Very long name. So this came with my Shiseido set, and its in a .57 oz tube. This is a sunscreen so it has water resistant of 40 minutes. It can be used for both face and body. It protects you from enirvonment and is a anti-aging sunscreen.

The cream is light in texture and goes on the skin smoothly and quickly. It quite light too so you can hardly feel it. The scent is strong though at least for me it is. I can still smell it even after a few hours. It has this perfume-y baby powder like scent which isn't that pleasant to me, but its not horrid. The scent can give me a headache since I'm sensitive to it. Fragrance is in the ingredients list so if you're sensitive to it as well I would avoid this product. There's even a Skin Cancer Foundation seal on the box saying its recommend for daily use.

I really do like it since its light and has high SPF, but I would have to use it in areas other than my face to avoid getting headaches. If fragrance doesn't bother you I would recommend trying this since its so light, but otherwise the scent is just too much.

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