Balanced + Wunderlist

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Balanced is a simple list app to help you keep good habits. You can add they're premade activities or make your own. Set how often you're going to do the activity and a icon. You can only add 5 activities, and have to upgrade the app in order to get unlimited. Upgrade costs $3.99 and it includes app icon badge, passcode lock, and icon colors. There's also a rewards feature where if you do a certain amount of activity it will unlock more features like activity history and undo activity. The app will remind you twice a day about activities coming up or a late, or to check the app. You swipe right to make the activity done and it will go to the bottom of the list. There's a line underneath the activity text which will grow as its due date grows near. This isn't back, but not a fan of only having 5 activities and getting reminders to check the app.

Wunderlist requires an account. You can ink it with Facebook or Google. I choose Google and it led me to create a Picasa/Google+ profile. In the end you will make a wunderlist account. After setting a password it lets you choose the type of lists you will be making. The design is nice and its like Twitter with a picture header and your profile and avatar on top of it. Below is your lists. There's an Inbox, Starred list if you starred any, and a Week and/or Today list which appears if you set due dates. You can customize your lists to "Do Not Disturb" if you don't want to get notifications. When looking at your list, there's a text bar that you can add tasks easily. Above the keyboard there are options to hashtag the task, assign someone to it, or add a due date. There's also an option to star the task. When you tap on the task, a new window pops up and you can edit the task and add more details. This is where you can  set the task on repeat,  add specific time and date for reminder, and add subtasks if the task is large enough. Below it is a Note area. At the bottom you can add comments and it shows like a status update. There's a paperclip icon where you can add files and give you the option to add through photo library, camera, or Dropbox. Swipe right to go back to the list. When you completed a task it will disappear , but you can see it again when you tap the completed task text. Your lists are automatically synced when you go to your home screen with all your lists displayed. I don't see an option to restore or manually backup your lists, but I assume it will all be there and safe once you sign in.

Since this is a social to-do list it will ask you permission to access your contacts. You can see activities from people you connect the app with, and even chat with them. You can share your list and also publish them. You cannot choose your own background image. They have a set of background images, and if you want more choices you have to buy pro which is a monthly subscription which I find silly. Pro also allows you to have unlimited files, assigning, and subtasks. It cost $4.99 a month or $49.99 a year. Overall, this is an ok list app, but I don't use any of the social aspect of the app. So really I can do the same things on AwesomeNote.

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