Ciao Bella Gelato Squares

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Saw these in the frozen section of my local super market. Usually I prefer getting gelato at a gelato place, but I no longer live in a area where that's accessible. Luckily there's gelato in super markets, but hey hardly compare to the ones at a gelato shop. This is the first time I saw gelato in ice cream sandwich form, and the flavors sound promising so I tried a few.

Gelato is lower in fat content so the flavor is more rich. Its also churned much slower than regular ice cream so its much more dense. However these squares are light in texture and taste so it doesn't really fit those descriptions. It is still a bit different than regular ice cream.

There are 3 gelato squares available: Alba Hazelnut dark chocolate, Key lime graham, and sea salt caramel. The Hazelnut has chocolate wafers, and the gelato is hazelnut flavors with chocolate-like swirl. The hazelnut taste is light and the dark chocolate is subtle. The Keylime is light in taste as well. It has graham wafers, and the gelato is like cheesecake. The keylime is light and also sour like many key lime treats are. And lastly, the Sea Salt caramel which is my favorite. Unlike most sea salt caramel goods, this one isn't salty. It actually taste more chocolatey than the hazelnut one. Its also the most flavorful out of the three. It has chocolate wafers, and caramel gelato swirled with chocolate. My squares have gooey chocolate in the middle of the sandwich and it just makes this square very delicious.

Even though they advertise the wafers to be crispy, the were always soft for me. Overall, these are good but I highly recommend the Sea Salt Caramel over the others. Each box only has 4 squares and they're about 3" x 3" in size. Its a decent size for me though I would like it a tad bit smaller. If you go on the main website here there is a $1 coupon that you can print out. It is located in the Store page and there should be a button at the bottom of the page.

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