Republic of Tea

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So I finally went and got some teas from Republic of Tea. Interestingly enough when I went to their site and did some "window" shopping, a few days later I get an email from them with a Free shipping coupon to complete my order. How nice! Though it has to be an order of $25 or more. So if you want free shipping try signing for an account and leaving items in your basket till you get the email!

I am not a tea expert so I won't be talking about the body and such of the teas. I just got a box where you can pick individual teas. So what better way to try an company's tea than to try as many as I can.

Get Clean is a detoxing hertabl tea. Says it helps stimulate the liver, encourage healthy digestion, and keep kidneys flushed. Its a blend of organic rooibos, milk thistle seeds, dandelion, burdock roots, red clover, chicory, and indian sarsaparilla. There's also vanilla, and almond flavorings. This tea is quite light and easy to drink. The medicinal taste is mild and not very bitter. The scent is mildly medicinal, but there is a sweet scent that balances it out.

Get Active is a endurance tea for exercise and daily activity. Its a blend of organic green rooibos, sarsaparilla, licorice root, maca root, and holy basil. Its has quite the medicinal taste, but it is smooth so its not that bitter. Definitely more of a tea for health benefits rather one to enjoy though I didn't take it with milk or sugar but I doubt those would help with the taste.

Get Relaxed is a stress relieving tea. I saved this for one of my most busiest day and I think it helped. Its a blend of rooibos, linden flower, passionflower, eleuthero, chamomile, lavender, and damask rose. This is a pretty tasty herbal tea so I'm definitely thinking of getting a full tin of this tea.

Chamomile Lemon is a blend of lemon balm, linden flower, orange blossoms, chamomile, lavender flower, skullcap, passion flower, and valerian root. It is a sleep aid tea herbal tea. Though I don't have trouble sleep, I did want to use this during times when I'm stressed and need to relax. All these herbs does make the tea smell and taste herbal and medicinal it isn't too bitter. Drinking it is kind of soothing.

Hibiscus Superflower Key lime Tea is a  blend of Hibiscus, rosehips, apples, lime and lemon, and stevia. This has a nice citrus flavor and quite sweet for an herbal tea. Though since it says that its can be enjoyed cold it would make sense to have it sweet so no additional sugar is needed. The scent is very much like lime and very sweet like candy. Definitely find this tea to be summer like. I do find it delicious! The Hibiscus Superflower Blueberry tea is also pretty tasty. Its not as sweet but it its tangy. The blueberry scent is also quite strong and it does taste like blueberries. Hibiscus Natural Hibiscus is hibiscus blend with hints of berry and citrus flavors. It definitely taste berry and citrus. Another delicious tea from this line of teas. Hibiscus Vanilla Apple is hibiscus, rosehips, apple bits, stevia, and natural vanilla and apple flavors. It has a mild vanilla scent and taste a bit like apple juice plus some citrus taste. I added sugar to it since it helps bring out the flavors more. Probably the least sweetest tea out the Hibiscus line I've tried. This is quite an enjoyable tea though so I do recommend them.

The People's Green Tea is a very delicious green tea! Sometimes it can be hard to find green tea that doesn't taste like bitter yard work. This one is just smooth and mild to me which makes it delicious!

Peppermint Chocolate Cuppa Chocolate Tea is a Rooibos blend with carob, cocoa kernals, peppermint leaves, sweet blackberry leaves, natural mint, chocolate and vanilla flavors. Its a herbal tea so its caffeine free. This tea is better with milk and sugar so you get the flavor better. Having it black or with just milk just taste minty, and I didn't taste any chocolate. This is quite appropriate tea for the holiday seasons. A good substitute for the latte counterpart.

Their Earl Greyer tea is black tea leaves with natural bergamot oil. The fragrance is really wonderful and the taste is very flavorful and fresh. Definitely one of the best Earl Grey teas I've ever had so I highly recommend it.

British Breakfast is a blend of black teas from Assam, Ceylon, Darjeeling, and Africa. A very smooth and easy tea to drink. Its lighter than Earl Greyer which is nice, but I prefer a richer taste so I'm sticking with Earl Greyer.

Hicaf Teas Pom-berry Black is black tea, green tea extract, licorice, and natural pomegranate and blueberry flavor. It has 130mg of caffeine compare to coffee which has 100mg. I definitely noticed the caffeine effectiveness, and I didn't even finish my cup then. I steeped it too long so it was a bit strong and bitter even with milk and sugar. Its not a bad tea though I don't think I would want this much caffeine in my system. Might be good for those who work long hours or students. A healthier alternative to coffee and energy drinks for sure.

I never tried white tea before so I got a few fruit flavored white teas. First one I tried is the Ginger Peach white tea which has a really sweet fruity smell. The taste it really light and mainly just a tea taste. The peach scent just adds a subtle taste to it. I don't really taste ginger in this tea though. Orange Blossom is white tea with natural orange and orange flower flavoring. It has a wonderful orange smell to it but like the previous white tea it hardly has any taste other than tea. It is rather light. Not really my thing but if you like lighter taste then go for white teas.

The Pomegranate Green Tea is chinese green tea flavored with hibiscus and pomegranate flavors. It is sweetened and quite light for a green tea. I quite like it since its like the iced tea drinks. Definitely didn't have the bitterness of green tea. The Acai Green tea is chinese green tea with hibiscus, natural flavors, and Acai berry bits. I barely taste any green tea in this since the juice taste is quite strong and I like it. Definitely recommend these flavored green teas for those who aren't into bitterness of green tea, but want the health benefits.

Honey Gingseng green tea is kind of interesting. It has a nice honey fragrance but I don't taste much honey or ginseng. It's a very mildly flavored since the green tea is much stronger. Not a bad tea though.

Organic Mint Fields is an herbal tea blend of organic spearmint, peppermint, and lemon balm. It definitely taste natural so the minty flavor and sensation is moderate. It's great by itself or with sugar.

Downton Abbey Bates' Brambleberry black tea is a blend of black tea, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, and blueberries. This is the only Downton Abbey tea I've tried and its pretty good. I do like the show so I find these teas quite neat. This tea definitely is smooth and the berry smell is very nice too. Though the taste is light which is not what I was expecting, but not bad.
Now for more fruit flavored black teas. Mango Ceylon Black tea is a blend of black tea, mango flavors, and sunflowers. This is an ok fruity tea. Though the smell is wonderful! The tea bag smells very sweet, and the tea is fragrant. Too bad the taste didn't match up to it. Blackberry Sage is black tea with natural blackberry flavors and sage. I don't taste the sage, but it definitely taste like blackberry which is pretty good. It has a very nice but strong blackberry scent too. I like it better than the Mango. The Cranberry Blood Orange black tea smells amazing and the taste it pretty good. Definitely one of the better of the fruity black teas so I recommend it.The Ginger Peach black tea is also pretty good though I don't taste ginger that much. It has a nice peach smell and its good with honey. The Wild Blueberry black tea is one of my favorites from the teas I've tasted so far. Its a blend of black tea, natural blueberry flavor and blueberries. It has a great blueberry scent and it actually taste like blueberries without the sourness. I usually make my tea strong, but I steeped this at short time and it really brought out the flavor rather than the bitterness of tea. Perhaps if I did that with the teas before I may have a better view of them.

Overall, I did enjoy the teas, and definitely highly recommend this tea company. I especially love their fruity teas. Definitely like them better than David's tea.

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