Chick Kitchen 2

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This is the new version of the first Chick Kitchen game. It was previously called Chick Kitchen Chick and Duck, but has now changed the name to Chick Kitchen 2. The only difference is obviously the new egg, duck eggs, which you don't get at first. Since the first game didn't have a backup of any kind I had to start the game anew. This new version does have the option to sign up for a iDT (name of the developer) account which you need to have a online backup of your game. Another difference is some new art of the home screen, the farm, and the store. The bad thing about this new version is a full screen ad that pops up in the home screen and every couple minutes you leave the game open. Another bad thing is that the game processes more for some reason and makes it lag a bit for me every time I open the game. It sometimes even crashes. Haven't experience any of this on the first game.

The gameplay is still the same just with more different types of stuff to unlock. There are 105 types of chicks and 52 ducks to unlock. There are 69 ingredients to unlock, and 7 cooking ware to unlock as well as duck eggs. There are more to unlocking the different types of chicks then mixing and matching ingredients and cook ware. Some of the chicks are holiday themed and the holidays go by Japan's calender. This is an offline game so it goes by the date and time of your device. Its not easy to cheat since if you go back in time it will give you a time error and ask if you want to start a new game. So you can't go into the future to unlock chicks and then revert the time back. Most of the holiday ones are either by special ingredients that get unlocked or by doing egg hatching by lamp and they will appear.

This game requires time and patience which might bore some of you. This game is kind of easy to forget about due to nature of the gameplay. The currency in this game is called CP which you get for selling the chicks and for collecting them from the kitchen to the farm. Lamp doesn't cost anything to use and with the 24 normal chicks you get 72 CP. When you use the frying it it cost 90 CP to use and from the 24 chicks you get about 102 CP so you only really earn 12 CP once you earn the 90 CP back. To me I find that the lamp earns the best unless you're willing to use the frying pan for the same duration as the lamp which would earn you 96 CP which is 24 more. You will earn a bit more if you used an ingredient to get special chicks, but the cost of the ingredient might not make much of a difference.

The second chick c02 is the sick chick which you get when the kitchen is dirty plus the lamp. To get the kitchen dirty don't open the app for at least a day. You can tell its dirty by the spider web that appears. Unfortunately it costs 100CP to clean the kitchen. Getting the sick chick will unlock a new ingredient the river water. The third chick c03 is the burnt chick which you get if you use any other heating method but the lamp and left it on well past the completion time. For example you use the fry pan which takes 15 minutes for all the eggs to hatch. If you waited 30 minutes some of the chicks will turn into burnt chicks.

Leveling up will take awhile. You can level up the kitchen up to 4 levels and each of the heating ware also have levels of up to 3. I got the option to level up the kitchen to level 2 after I purchased the Stew Pot. It cost a hefty 10000 cp to level up. I know level 2 will allow you to use two ingredients at once. For the cookware the hatched time is shortened. After the Stew Pot is another cookware that looks like a tea pot but it didn't unlock after I put the stew pot so not sure how to unlock it yet. When you level the kitchen up you get a new kitchen and the new level 2 wares show up in the store.

Overall I find this game cute, and kind of fun. If you are like me who like to unlock and collect everything or as much as you can till you lose interest then I recommend this!

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