Panasonic RPHJE120K In-Ear Headphone

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Since my last earphone finally kicked the bucket I needed a new one for my everyday use. I have the Apple earphone I only use as backup. Saw that this Panasonic is the bestseller on Amazon so I figure I should try it out. My last earphones where the JLab JBud earphones that was a top seller on Amazon but its gone down to about 40 on the list. I really do like them and would recommend them. Its been a bit too long since I last heard them so this review will be comparing the Panasonic to the Apple earphones.

The earphones comes in a number of colors but I just got the standard black ones. Its packaged in those annoying plastic things that take forever to open cause you need a sharp item to open it. It comes with three different sizes soft earpads. They're alittle on the small side but the middle one fits perfectly fine in my ear. They're not the most softest thing so perhaps with time they will soften up? Otherwise I'm not going to fully insert them into my ear to prevent soreness or discomfort.

The earphone shape is interesting though. Its like the Apple earphone but the earpad is on the far end of from where the wire is placed. Its weird but it does put less pressure on your ear canal from the wire end compare to other earphones.

Sound quality is uh ... well its much more muffled sounding than the Apple ones. The Apple are much clearer and crisp sounding. Also the volume is a quieter so I will need to up the volume. After about 5 minutes of listening to music its not bad once I get use to it.

So far its ok. I probably will buy the JBud's again instead. I will update this when the earphones start dying.

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