eos summer fruit lip balm

9:39:00 PM cc 0 Comments

What appeal to me about this is the cute round packaging and shape of the product, and also that its natural and organic. More specifically its 100% natural and 95% organic. The ingredients list is not that long and its mostly varies oils.

There is an expiration date imprinted on the packaging it came with but not on the product package itself. Though its not really worth noting it since the one on mine is 3 years from now, and I'm pretty sure I'll be able to use it up way before then.

Opening and closing the product is easy though maybe it takes a second too long for my liking compare to the traditional way lip balms are packaged. Plus the size is not that comfortable in my pants pocket as the traditional sticks. Overall, I do like it. Its slightly sweet and it moisturizes my lips pretty well and a lot longer than the Baby Lips. It doesn't contain petroleum which I've come to like. I will probably repurchase or try the other flavors.

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