Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade

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This is a mobile and social game for iOS and Android based on the Final Fantasy games series. It requires internet connection and a mobage account. It has a browser game style with lots of buttons that you have to tap to perform actions and no animation when tapping on them as it just loads to the next screen or page. The art style is the same as Theatrhythm with the cute flat vector-ish style. Also there is absolutely no sound or music in this game. If you're unfamiliar with Final Fantasy this game might take a bit to understand. Even if you are familiar with it this game still needs a few minutes to figure out. At least for me it did.

The game is basic, you pick a gender and a job and you just level up and gain items. Every now and then there will be an event that features a FF game or a combination of FF games, and gain event exclusive items.

There are two major things you do in this game: questing and fighting bosses/espers. Questing is just going through areas and fighting monsters to level up. You start off in Eastern Mist Plains and each of these areas have 7 subareas that you have to clear before you advance to the next area. When you to one of the subareas the screen changes to like a battle style. You just tap on the Advance button and watch your character attack the monster and walk to find another monster. Each time you press Advance it cost LP which regenerate 1 LP every 3 minutes. You can use Potions to recover LP instantly. Sometimes you come across chocobos as you quest where you can feed it and get abilities from them. There are free feed and feed you buy with cash. There are different colored chocobos that requires the cash feed to guarantee you an item from them. There is also a mini boss in questing but they are easy. Questing is simple, tedious, and boring.

When you quest sometimes you come across something called a Gate Crystal which gives you a Esper to fight. Espers are the summons in the FF games like Ifrit and Shiva. You go to the Esper realm and fight the Esper along with your brigade which is automatically assigned to you. These brigades don't have names just a huge number. There is also a rival brigade that also fights the same Esper. Defeating and giving the most damage to the Esper more than the rival brigade will give you more rewards. Battling the Esper cost BP which you only get 3 and it regenerates slower than LP. You use Ethers to get recover BP instantly. There's normal attack which cost 1 BP and All out Attack which cost 3 BP. All out will result in a higher damage to the Esper and more Job experience. Fighting Espers is the only way to level up your jobs to get more advance jobs. There will be a small animation of the Esper as they are introduced. When you battle then the screen goes to a classic battle screen and you just watch you and 2 random ncp characters battle the Esper. There is also a Skip button if you want to go to the last move. That's it.

Collecting items is the major gain in this game. There are 3 main items: Abilities, Weapons, and Summon Stones. Items have rarity ratings from Normal, Rare, Super Rare, and Super Super Rare. Abilities and Weapons determines the Attack and Defense power when you fight Espers. You can level them up with scrolls to increase the stats. There is also a Limit Break which is just another level up thing to further increase stats and it requires Dark Matter. Summon Stones do the same and you can have Ifrit, Shiva, and even characters from FF games.

Events are nothing special. You get a special questing areas and Espers/Bosses related to the event. Its quite repetitive. You get rewards for how many bosses you defeated, gain CP and Contribution points for fighting bosses which also gives you rewards. Its all just to gain items which are powerful.

Overall, I think this game is just OK. If you an FF fan its worth a try. Its good for nostalgia I suppose. Pretty boring and tedious, but if you like collecting items and being powerful this is the game for it.


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