Seiyuu Datte Tabishimasu

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  This is a traveling show with three 1 hour long episodes of different seiyuus walking around certain spots in Japan. Also called KoeTabi for short. The second season has "the 2nd" at the end of the title. So far there are 6 episodes and one stage event. I have not seen all of them so I can only tell you about the ones I've seen.

 First one I saw is one with Kaji Yuki, Shimono Hiro, and Morikobu Showtaro. You can get this episode here. This is the only one with three people, and they visited Kyoto. The first part is only with Kaji and Shimono, and Morikobu joins them later on. They eat, drink alcohol, and had a pottery class. They did more than that, and overall I really do enjoy watching these guys especially Shimono.

 Second one I watch is Suwabe Junichi and Okamoto Nobuhiko at Hokkaido. Get this episode here. The first part is Suwabe by himself enjoying food and the sights. He also went to a wine gallery and visited Mt. Tengu. Okamoto wasn't there because of another job, but he joins in later on. They also did a pottery class.

 I also watched the stage event where they all shared and talked about their trip together, and then played a dice game. Since they all did a pottery class they showed off the finished pieces on stage as well. The event is rather entertaining so I would recommend it if you're a fan of any of these men. You can get the event here.

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