Nobu Tabi Resort in Hawaii

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 I believe this is Okamoto's first time hosting a travel show. This DVD is an hour and a half long show of Okamoto Nobuhiko in Hawaii with Toriumi Kousuke. Both have been to Hawaii before, but they will be doing things they haven't done before in this show. You can check out the official Twitter for pictures and stuff here. You can get the show here, the DVD also comes with bonus clips.

 The show follows them for two days in Hawaii. First day at Waikiki, Okamoto plays a game to determine the amount of spending money for the trip. He then shops a few Hawaiian shirts for himself and Torumi. Toriumi joins him afterwards. They walk for a bit and shop at a Farmers Market, and then have dinner at a steakhouse. The second they go to North Shore. Shopped at an outlet store that had Kona Coffee, bought soap and hand stamped them, then did some shrimp fishing. They ended the day riding segways on a scenic path on Turtle Bay Resort.

 I enjoyed watching them trying out the food and enjoying their time in Hawaii. It is more of a chill show, and not a lot of funny things happened thankfully. Mostly the stores they filmed at had a Japanese person that they talked to so there's hardly any non-Japanese people they interacted with on camera. Don't be expecting to see them speak broken English. Also for the bonus clips one is on Okamoto swimming in the ocean with turtles and dolphins. Toriumi is not with him in that one. The second bonus is them eating at Zippy. If you're a fan of Okamoto, he is quite adorable in this as he always is, and I hope more episodes will be made.

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