American Gods (TV)

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  I have heard about the book and saw that people quite liked it. Then this show was being promoted quite a bit on social media. I didn't really find the title interesting plus I didn't quite get what it was about so I haven't looked much into it. It wasn't until I heard that Byran Fuller is working on this show that I gave it a shot. Fuller was behind Hannibal which I enjoyed quite a bit so seeing how American Gods had a similar look it got me curious. This show is very interesting. It is a lot more violent, surreal, and sexy than Hannibal was. Its great!

  The first episode already hooked me. This show reminds me a lot of Noragami. A story on gods in modern times. At least in American Gods, humans can see them but they just appear and act like regular humans. They would either just try to survive by living like a human or somehow have humans help them. Though it is a much darker tone than Noragami. There will be many gods appearing and each are unique. These gods are mostly real as in there are wiki pages on them. There are also some new gods. The main story is of a human name Shadow Moon who just got released from prison. He meets Mr.Wednesday on his way home and he offers Shadow a job. What happens next is one hell of a trip.

 Whether you're religious or not, I think this show is worth giving it a shot. As a warning, there is graphic violence, lots of blood, and sex. The sex is also a bit graphic. They not only show straight sex but gay sex as well. There will be boobs and penises showing! Overall, I definitely recommend it.

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