Crest Whitestrip Glamorous White

12:54:00 AM cc 0 Comments

 I have heard the Crest Whitestrips be a couple Youtubers go to for whitening their teeth though they use the 3D Professional box. I bought the Glamorous box since its cheaper so I can try it out before buying the 3D which is more expensive.

 Directions are simple, just place the strips on the front and fold the rest to the back then press for 2 seconds. Leave it on for 30 minutes without drinking or eating. Then you can remove them. The strips did get a bit bubbly and I did had to swallow spit a number of times which tasted like glue. It didn't over irritate my gums or made my teeth sensitive which is good. The only time I felt irritation is when I accidentally lost track of time and had the strip only longer than 30 minutes. The irritation was felt throughout my most of my teeth for hours. It happened at night so I just went to bed soon after and it was gone in the morning. So please don't leave them on longer than instructed.

 On the first strip, I didn't see a difference. While the instructions did say to use one everyday, I've only used one one or three times a week. Even when I was a handful of strips left, I didn't think I could see much of a difference in the shade of my teeth.  Between treatments I do drink black coffee and tea black. Though since the box advertised it would remove 10 years of stains I don't think a few coffee drink would override the handful of treatments.

 So overall, this set was disappointing and I wouldn't recommend it. I will try the 3D Professional set that people do recommend to see if it has any difference.

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