Nier Automata Demo

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 The demo for Nier Automata is finally out through the Playstation store. The demo takes just under an hour to beat, and its quite intense. I have played its previous games Nier and the Drakengard series, but it has been so long that I could hardly remember what even happened. While you can play this without knowing or playing the previous games, but if your interested to know about this world I highly recommend reading the plot summary on their wiki pages. If you have the time go find playthrough of them. It is weird and disturbing, but its also amazing. I'm kind of surprised not a lot of people know about this game, and kind of questioned how I even got into it.

 This demo does have options to have Japanese or English voices which is really nice. I am a fan of both of the main characters' voice actors, and hopefully this will mean the US version will have Japanese voices as well. There's Easy, Normal, Hard, and Very Hard difficultly mode. Easy mode I think has an auto evading thing which is nice. Hard mode I believe has no lock on feature, and with very hard enemy hits will one shot you so you cannot get hit once or its game over. You can change difficulties in you game whenever too.

 The game is about these two andriods, 9S and 2B, who fight against machines bred to kill in a post apocalyptic world. So in this demo you're on a mission to find and defeat and gigantic weapon in a abandon factory. As you run through it, the camera angle does change around like to a side scroller and even top down which can be a bit disorienting. They zoomed out a bit too far for my liking so it was a bit hard to see cause everyone was small. The majority of the machine enemies look like the Andriod robot logo which amused me a bit. These enemies not only have melee attacks, but shoot orbs so the game has a short of bullet hell thing going on. The combat is action based with a normal attack button and a special attack button. You can hold down R1 to make your little hovering robot companion to constantly shoot bullets which is great to take down the bullet hell orbs. You can even taken down enemies mainly with the shooting too which is actually safer. I did mostly melee and I had to use items twice as much as I did with shooting. The robot companion also has a laser beam attack, but that has a cool down. Evading is R2 and you dash around really fast or do some ghost phase thing. Using the Evade move is also a faster way to move around in combat too. I find myself trying to do a lot of things at once in combat. I want to hold down L2 to lock on, and also hold down R1 to shoot at what I'm locking on. But I also want to melee so I will also press R2 to dash towards enemies faster, and I just end up spamming the attack button. Its a lot of work, and I do get lost when there's so many things going on on the screen. I've played through the demo twice like this, and I think I might just switch between shooting and attacking since that multitasking thing I was doing was just silly. Also, the boss at the end is silly. It was a big mech with saw hands. There was a lot of cutscenes during the fight too which I can understand for the story, but I still didn't like getting all these interruptions. You also got to walk on the mech which is quite Shadow of the Colossus like. Afterwards it takes you to the title screen.

 Overall, its not a bad demo. I've already plan on buying the full game anyways, but trying this out lets me prepare what the game will be in a few months. I'm not much of an action gamer so I may find this a bit difficult than when I was younger. Don't think I will every touch Hard or Very Hard mode on this game at all. The music for these games have been pretty amazing and memorable and continues to do so. I can't wait for the soundtrack to be out. I'm definitely looking forward to this game, and expect to have fun and also some frustrations, haha.

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