All Out!!

10:13:00 PM cc 0 Comments

 I got interested in this anime because of the promo art. To see such built high schoolers in little shorts is definitely something different. It did take me a bit to realize what sport this anime was going to be. I am clueless to how rugby works. Thankfully the show does have a beginner protagonist.

 The first episode starts off with the typical first day of school that happens in a lot of anime shows. It focuses on two freshmen a tall timid boy who had been playing rugby, and a short rambunctious boy who really hates his height. They both obviously end up in the school's rugby team. The first episode wasn't impressive enough to make me look forward to the next episode, but I did continue to watch this show.

 Rugby is somewhat similar to American football, so there's a lot of muscles and testosterone. While most of the characters do have manly and boyish like personalities, there are some cute moments. The characters aren't too bad either, but I do have trouble remembering their names especially the really tall boy because its long. There are a few characters that have weird hair designs too. 5 Episodes are out so far, and they mainly focused on them playing the sport. There's hasn't been half them doing the sport and the other half of them being school boys. If you're a fan of sports anime, I'd definitely would say you should check this show out.

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