Tales of Zestiria the X (2016 Anime)

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 I haven't been interested in the Tales series, but I did play one of the games when I was little. Then theres the anime which I didn't watch either. But this one caught my interest since I saw some impressive gifs. Or rather I was enamored by the cute white haired boy in the screencap above. I have to say, it exceeded my expectations of anime that adapted games. This is obviously based of the Tales of Zestaria game. I haven't played this game so I can't compare it with this show.

 What surprised me is the quality of the art in this show. I did expected so small budget stuff, but this anime has been the most impressive I've seen. The textures are really well done and its quite pleasing to look at. So far the story is interesting. The first episode sets up the main calamity of this fantasy world. It shows Alisha, a princess but also a knight, investigating strange things that are happening and well, it didn't end well. The second episode introduces us to the main character, Sorey, who grew up in a village of seraphim, spiritual beings that humans can't see except Sorey. Sorey is best friends with one of the seraphim name Mikleo. He's the white haired boy that got me interested in the anime.

 This world has a legend of a person titled Shepard that will bring down evil and unite humans and seraphims. Alisha was in the searched of the Shepard and seraphims which brings her to Sorey and Mikleo's village. Their village is very isolated so seeing an outsider, let alone a human was definitely not normal. Even though she cannot not see the seraphims, she asks for help. Her arrival has made Sorey and Mikleo leave the village and into the human side of the world.

 While this is another one of those save the world from evil monsters story, the fact that some of the characters are invisible to others is rather interesting. Sorey maybe a bit too generic for me, the other characters do have some appeal to me. I am liking Alisha since its not that common to see a strong female character that isn't a tsundere though I might be speaking too soon. Since I didn't play the game I have no idea what is in store for her as a character. I am enjoying this anime a lot and would definitely recommend it!

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