Final Fantasy XV - 52 minutes Gameplay Video Impression

1:53:00 PM cc 0 Comments

 Square Enix put out a 52 minute video on the game on Youtube. This seem to cover the first 3 chapters of the game, but it is edited so not everything is shown. The story is shown so there are spoilers in this video so if you don't want that please don't watch the video above.

 There are quite a number of critical comments on this game already and personally don't find it to be fair since the game isn't even out yet. I did see people think the combat looks bad. This I can understand since it does seem a bit all over the place, but I guess this is to be expected with an action game with 4 party members. It is different and I rather combat be different than the same old stuff every other game has done. There is a turn based option which this video didn't show.

 The graphics looks good enough to me. I ain't too picky with anti-aliasing and whatnot because I couldn't care less. I don't think games are really worth it for me to spend the extra money just to play it on the highest possible quality. Just being able to play and experience the game is all that really matters to me. And since this game is only for consoles (for now?) I don't expect a masterpiece and wouldn't ask the developers for one either. I do find the cloth does flop around a bit too much, but I just find it funny than get angry about it. Also this is a Youtube video so one shouldn't expect the game to look exactly like the video. The character designs isn't the most impressive, but I think I'm already getting use them. The video did show that you can change their clothes which is funny to see. I don't think having them shirtless is an option, but if it is I am all for it. The monsters look cool to me. No summons are shown in the video though. Riding chocobos looks really fun, and they look so fluffy.

 I'm not a fan of the English dub or translation on this. Ignis voice does bother me since he sounds too different from the others. The others I could get use to though. But since I am a fan of Japanese seiyuu I am a little bias on this. I will be looking out for the Japanese version of this video. Some of the music sounds good and some I didn't really care for. I've been a fan of Final Fantasy battle themes, but I'm not digging the battle theme for this game.

 Overall, there are some things I look forward to and some things I'm ok with. I hope the delay to November 29 will be enough time for the team to put out a game they are proud of. I do appreciate all the updates and communication from the director and staff on this game. So I do believe they will put out a decent game. I want to support these guys as I see they have potential to make great games in the future. I will have low expectations of it so I won't ruin the game for myself.

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