
10:28:00 PM cc 0 Comments

 Orange is not your typical shoujo anime. Naho is a 16 year old girl who gets a letter from herself 10 years in the future. Her future self tells her that she has regrets and warns her young self about them. The letter gives her accurate details of the days to come and tells her what she should do to make things right. All of this revolves around the new transfer student to her school name Kakeru. It seems something serious happened to him in the future.

 Naho is the type to put others first. She be the last one to take a slice of pizza after everyone does. While this personality of hers isn't extreme, it is to a point that it gets a bit annoying. Though if she was more aggressive then the show would probably be less dramatic thus it be less entertaining as a show. She does her best with the requests that the letter gives her, but obviously they don't go perfectly well.

 While it wasn't love at the start, it does seem like the natural that she has feelings for Kakeru since the requests from the letter are all about him. The show does give some snippets of the future of this group of friends so we do know who Naho ends up with. Though this can complicate things since her young self is changing the past, so of course the future would change. It would be interesting to see how much Naho changes as well as the future of her and her friends.

 This isn't the kind of feel good, fun kind of anime I tend to like. This anime makes me shed a few tears at the end of show episode. Not fun. I was even considering dropping it. Naho and Kakeru were being quite couple like than I would find normal in their circumstance. I would've liked to see more of their friends since they just seem to be there to make background noise and fill the screen. Hopefully they would get some attention.

 This may not be the show I look forward to every week, but it is good. The art and animation is pleasant, and it has great pacing is each episode. I do recommend giving this a shot, but prepare some tissues just in case.

UPDATE: So after keeping up with this anime for a bit, there is clear decline in the art, animation, and story quality. I think there might have been a change in staff of sort, but the quality isn't as good at the first few episodes were. The story overall is still touching and makes me shed a tear, just not as much as it use to. I only wish they kept the nice quality throughout all the episodes.

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