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 While this show was airing, I did see people talk about it and saw lots of fanart as well. I never got to see it till now. The art style for the two main male characters was appealing to me so I wanted to know more about them. Plus someone I follow on twitter was a big fan of one of them too. Totally don't remember the spoilers I've probably read so that was good. This show is another one of those sci-fi settings where its Earth vs Non-Earth plus Gundams. Well they're not called Gundams, but me calling them Gundams is just easier to understand for everyone isn't it? The story is kind of Gundam-esque as well with all the politics and war.

 This show only has two seasons with 12 episodes per season. Not a terribly long show. The story is about a Martian Princess name Asseylum Vers Allusia. She's the typical pure and kind female character that doesn't have an ounce of meanness in her. She has a Earth-born friend name Slaine Troyard who tells her about Earth which makes her fascinated with the planet. Slaine is treated like a low life by the other Martians in a very racist way. But Asseylum has saved his life once and is kind to him so he is very loyal to her. Kaizuka Inaho is a high school student who fights for Earth when the Martians attack. He is the typical combat genius that makes him defeat every enemy he encounters. There is light romance in this show, but I will tell you now that this show is not really worth pairing or shipping anyone with cause it is not a romance show so there is no canon pairing.

I personally don't find the story all that original, but the rivalry between Slaine and Inaho has kept my interest. Both are protecting the princess in their own way which turns out that they have to fight each other over the princess. Which is silly really since its all a misunderstanding that could be easily solved, but then the show would be over. It is a bit frustrating to watch, but thankfully they don't drag it out too much. Not a fan of the motives for war in this show since is silly, though I suppose the bad guys do have to be a bit crazy. I find Slaine to be an interesting character though he does go through some harsh things more than anyone else in the show. I can't help but feel protective.

While I won't spoil the show, I overall found myself to be a bit indifferent to it. I can't say the show was satisfying, but it also wasn't terrible. This is coming from someone who has seen a number of Gundam and similar shows, and they all are a little too similar for my liking nowadays.

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